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Give and get support around quitting

Do You Remember?

Sneaking out of church to have a cigarette?

Going outside to have a smoke after your son or daughter was born?

Leaving your table and company in a restaurant to go outside and smoke before the meal was over?

Oh, I almost forgot,

What about when someone close to you died?

When your son or daughter graduated?


And, we didn't even realize it!!!

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56 Replies

I still do even though I don't

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For my poor super sensitive preggy nose it's dog poop. I have to go out and pick up after my doggie EVERY time he goes because I can smell it , through closed doors and windows inside the house and it's NASTY!
I'd still rather smell that then cig smoke though! LOL! SERIOUSLY!
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I totally get the super smell thing. the ciggarette smoke is gross!!! Things are starting to taste better too. I am really liking this not being a smoker thing. I feel better, my van doesn't stink, my clothes don't stink. I have a lot of situations where I am around people that do smoke, and after the first few days, it was okay. I kind of stayed away from my best friends house, cause that is associated with smoking, Her, Tiff and me, chain smoking and gossiping or talking about the days events and our kids.
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Hello Charon, I have a yellow lab. He is my fun and joy and I will try to brush his teeth (this should be fun)LOL. Thanks for the info. I looked on my calandar and noticed it is time for his yearly exam so will talk to the vet about his breath also. Have a great weekend. Robin
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Coupons how about coupons. do you get them in the mail still? I just received some and tossed them in the trash. I also called the 800 number to get my name off the mailing list.
Remember to do this if you recieve them. It might be a trigger for some people.
funny how I used to like to receive those coupons. I saved a lot more money since I quit then those coupons ever added up to!
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Sounds good... 🙂 I know that at my clinic, they give discounts on teeth cleaning in january because it is annual pet dental hygiene month or something... I would definitely look around at pricing because I think we paid something like 120 at our vet, but at other vets it can near 300, depending on if your dog needs teeth pulled. It is funny though how a lot of people don't think about this kind of stuff. I never did until a few years ago. My boston is lucky, and we just brush her teeth, and she hasn't needed them cleaned professionally yet. The pomeranian, though, needs an annual teeth cleaning because his breed is prone to bad dental hygiene and tooth loss. Rotten teeth can, just like in humans, lead to a variety of health issues that can, unfortunately, cause death in the animal. Good luck at the vets. 🙂
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Holy crap!
I hadn't ridden in my wife's car for at least a couple of months.
I just tried to go for a ride with her the other day and seriously, I can't. I can't sit in there. It is like sitting in a dumpster...

Now I am just feeling rude.
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