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Give and get support around quitting

Do You Remember?

Sneaking out of church to have a cigarette?

Going outside to have a smoke after your son or daughter was born?

Leaving your table and company in a restaurant to go outside and smoke before the meal was over?

Oh, I almost forgot,

What about when someone close to you died?

When your son or daughter graduated?


And, we didn't even realize it!!!

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56 Replies

I posted this on pg 4 here but wanted to re-post it to make sure you saw it cuz it goes right along with what your saying here .....

I think sometimes we read too much into things people do and say. I believe the whole 'smokers stink' convo was from a post i made much earlier talking about how i can't believe how badly i used to stink!! (Very recent for me i only quit 8 days ago) New or old stale cigarette smoke on a person is a repugnant and horrible smell and offended or not, doesn't change that fact. I am also pregnant so the smell of smoke is EXTRA offensive to my sensitive will in fact make me VOMIT if it is too strong around me. We all use different avenues to share and deal with our addictions and humor is definitely a part of that. Always keep that in mind when reading posts on here, nine times out of ten it's all in good fun. I highly doubt anything that kozmik said was so rude it would have run off a newcomer or made anyone feel uncomforatable. Quite the contrary the way you jumped down her throat about it makes me more uncomforatable (and prob newbies as well) than the original statement she made.
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i find it HILARIOUS that my friends seem to think i won't be bothered by their stinky cigs if they are just standing 'downwind' from me!! I can smell it from a mile away LITERALLY!!! True story...driving to work today i started to smell cig smoke...overwhelming. Where is that coming from? i ask myself. I roll up the windows, i spray my perfume in the car, hold my breath even. finally figure out that the person 3 cars behind me (on the interstate none the less) was smoking a cig and i could STILL smell it in MY car!! Icky. I'm with all of you...who the heck was i trying to kid 'back when'??? I am very happy not to stink anymore!!! I'm a pretty girl, i'm supposed to smell like lilacs or roses or something BEAUTIFUL...not a 3 month old stale ashtray!!
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Our front yard is manicured and landscaped, and we haven't started on the back yard yet. The front porch is a peaceful and serene place to stand and look out across the landscaping and into the woods beyond. Our house faces Northeast... The wind comes from the North
My wife still smokes.
I try to tell her that smoking on the front porch is barely different than smoking in the house, but understandably that doesn't register with her. It wouldn't have made sense to me either.
What she doesn't realize is that even though you can't hear her car pull up in front of the house, I can often smell her coming up the front walk after having smoked in her car.
Amazing... It is like having the hearing of a blind person. It seems superhuman.
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Good post. It really tells it like it is and is real. Good thing to remember but also a good thing let go. Your freedon is the best thing to remember.
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i have to say that is one of the most AWESOME graphics ever. and that is EXACTLY how i feel everytime i have to smell a smoker now!
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You will never enjoy it in a roomful of smokers again but,
it might catch you off guard just because of the memories of smoking.

I still enjoy a single waft floating by at the beach, where it is now illegal to smoke.

I don't think I will ever not enjoy that smell in open air .

Realize this may be the same for you.

Its not a bad thing as long as you choose not to smoke.
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Yeah, I have to agree. The smell of stale cigs is GROSS... but a freshly lit one outside? I can't say it bothers me... yet. 🙂
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Hey Robin... 🙂 Dog's breath actually should not smell bad. If it does, it means your dog's teeth need to be professionally cleaned, or you need to brush his or her teeth. I KNOW this sounds silly, and can be a bit of a hassle, but you can actually increase your dog's longevity by about five years just by providing him or her with good dental care. What kind of dog do you have? I have a boston terrier and a pomeranian. 🙂
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Hello DOC, my husband still smokes and he has also made our front yard look like something out of a good house keeping magazine. I love to lay in the hammock and enjoy the morning sun or the late afternoon breeze. I live in New Mexico and we have some really wonderful sunsets here and that is what I love to do watch the sun go down. My husband will come out side and lay on the hammock with me and he smells of smoke so bad, it almost ruins the moment. I have told him this in so many words (he gets really touchy when I bring it up) but it does not change things. So you are not alone with your spouse still smoking, it is hard. Wish they would follow in our footsteps, but maybe they are saving that for another day LOL.

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Want to hear something funny although kind of gross. My sense of smell is hard core now. I mean I can really smell things and sometimes I wish I would not smell as good as I do now, because I just got a wiff of my dogs breath and lord, god that was HORRIBLE LOL!!!! I know dogs have bad breath but I guess I could not smell it that bad. We even give him bones and such to help with that but not working to well. Maybe I should spray some perfume on him and it will mask his breath LOL LOL LOL!!! That one was for you Kozmik ( in a funny way). Your comment back a few days ago is so true nothing you can do makes that smell go away.
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