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Give and get support around quitting


Do You Have People Ignoring Your Quit?

My Honey has been ignoring my quit. I finally asked him the other night at dinner... why isn't he mentioning what it's like to live with a nonsmoker? Why isn't he telling me every day what a great job I'm doing? Isn't he proud of me?

He doesn't smoke cigarettes, but he is a daily THC user. I never got into THC. He said because he didn't want to "jinx" me... and that he is jelouse. It's funny because he's the one who told me that all I needed to quit was sheer will power. AND WE NEVER TALKED ABOUT SUPPORT EXPECTATIONS PRIOR TO THE QUIT. I find that really odd and funny now, looking from the back side. The other night we had a different conversation now that I can talk like a REAL QUITTER and not someone who's trying to quit... it was centered around the ADDICTION, JUNKIE TALK and how selfish a quit HAS to be. I realized that as nice as it would be to have him cheering me on all day, every day - it would get pretty annoying eventually and that this QUIT is a personal and exclusive, selfish journey.

What has your experience been?

What were you expecting from your loved ones?

What advise would you give them as to how best support you?

35 Replies

lol no one thought id ever quit smoking in my real life.  I celebrate every year im on year 7.  I let ppl know so they see its possible to quit smoking for good.  I got my mom to quit smoking after I was at my first year.    nicotine is a addictive.


That is awesome!  What an awesome thing to be able to encourage your mom!  That's so good.  Thank you for coming here after all that time to encourage others to quit.  You're my hero!  


I'm repeating myself.  It's nice to have some support from family and friends (there's some), but you have to do it for yourself.

My wife smoked for a while but was one of those that could take it or leave it. Didn't matter to her at all. I received no real support from her as when I quit she says I was just doing what I should do. Yes your quit should be a selfish act. But then as addicts, aren't we a selfish type anyway.

I'm a Selfish Man

Keep on keepin on,

M n @ Signature 002-1.JPG


My husband smokes. I haven’t mentioned to him that I have quit. I figure he will bring it up when he notices. I’ve quit so many times that I don’t like to make any verbal declarations anymore. Maybe your husband is worried that if he says anything, even with the intention of being supportive, that it will have a negative effect on your quit.  Hang in there! 


well I recommend he smokes outside from now  on because this will wreck your quit.  having someone blowing smoke around you will only end in you breaking down and smoking again.  tell him you've quit and he needs to smoke outside from now on or he can just quit too lol good luck!


men just suck and most are emotionally slow lol not to sound like a bitter bisexual,  but none of my experiences with men have ended well lol.  ive met some really cool guys but they have boyfriends already and or are already married. lol

I blame my little dysfunctional town.  lol


I made my mind up to quit by myself and my wife is a smoker but does congratulate me on my quit when I tell her how many days i'm free. It didn't bother me that she wasn't cheering me on all the time I was quitting for me and also for my daughter. I love being a non-smoker I save money and enjoy not smelling like a used ashtray all the time, those are my rewards so I don't need the cheering on or pats on the back. You are 100% that your quit is very personal and is something you own. Nice blog congratulations on your quit keep going forward. 


very cool!

0 Kudos

I just have to chime in on this conversation because it just so happens that it came to a "head" yesterday in my world.  So, I'm 94 days quit today and I'm good!  During my quit, I would text my three sisters once a week to announce my week of success, maybe mention how many cigarettes I didn't smoke or how much money I was saving.  They would all reply with cheers and atta-girls and I'm so proud of you isms.  This was nice.  They were my cheerleaders on the sideline but I knew I was doing it for me and that I had to find my strength and resolve from within and I did and I continue to.  So, I am married and my husband is a smoker, though he smokes far less than I did.  As with most things in our life, I didn't really bother him with my quit.  I guess maybe once a month I would copy him the text I was sending to my sisters, so maybe 3 times I reached out looking for some applause from him.  Forget it.  Wasn't happening.  Okay, I told myself, no biggie.  Well, yesterday during an argument about something else he says to me that he's been having to hear about my quitting smoking every single day.  I thought my head was going to explode.  Not only have I made a very mindful effort of not talking to him about my quit, I've not made any reference either overt nor passive aggressive to his smoking.  The only reference to that I made in the very beginning when I asked him if he wanted to try and quit with me.  He said no and I left him alone.  You be you and I'll be me...  So, nope, no support whatsoever from my supposedly significant other.  And while that's really not okay in the relationship department, it has to be okay for my quit.  It has no bearing on it.  I'm not going back and while kudos are nice, they don't pay the bills so to speak.

Thanks for listening and I wish you the very best with your quit!