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Disgestive System????

It has always been a problem in the past when I quit, and my doc said to use 

nicotine gum to help my morning go normally with my coffee!  

Quitting smoking has wrecked my digestive system, and it has every time 

I have quit smoking.  

I am trying to not share TMI but smoking first thing in the morning with my 

coffee was like a laxative and now that I don't smoke, my digestive track 

is totally out of whack!  But I refused to put any nicotine in my body the day 

I decided to quit!  Because keeping nicotine in my body would still mean 

I had an addiction to it.  

Anyone else have this issue?

38 Replies

they force fed me that (lemon lime)  and popcorn the last night I was in the hospital for 11 days.  🙂


I think MANY MANY people have this issue when they quit.....I did. No matter what anyone says,somehow that smoke and coffee in the morning DOES promote regularity! Your body WILL adjust to this new just takes awhile. Ask your doctor what to do in the meantime as everyone is different when it comes to laxatives. MOVING helps a lot.....walking was my savior. In the is what Dale told me when I first quit........."this too shall pass".

My prescription is a fartty piece of meat (well marbled) and 8 shots of espresso.

Grandma prescribed in order phillips first, followed by castor oil, followed by an enema. OH MY!


We use prune juice, to help get things moving, usually quite effective for me a whole glass each day until presto!


I think it is just a habit and will pass as Dale JonesCarpeDiem has said . I did not have that problem when I quit because i was always irregular anyway but i did have a problem with canker sores in my mouth that really hurt I thought it was from the mints I was eating so i stopped eating them but the cankers kept coming and gradually they began to slow down in numbers and I now see it as a reaction my body had to the stress of quitting . Your problem may be from stress too. Relax and just eat well and drink lots of fluids .Things will work out as time goes by .


I have just recently discovered the benefits of Probiotics in this area. I wish I had known about them when I first quit, too!  I had terrible gastro-intestinal problems at first! Your whole body will experience changes. Most of the negative changes are temporary and will level out. Keep your chin up - it is worth it!


Thank you Michwoman, I was actually looking at probiotics this morning, perhaps I should 

go invest in some of that...... All this stuff is going to put me in debt....LoL!  

While this part of quitting has been uncomfortable, I am still so happy to be a quitter!  It 

would not cause me to ever start back up again!  I'd rather be uncomfortable than be a smoker!

I also am a Michigander!  Western side!  


While I wouldn't wish it on anyone - I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one.  My belly is so distended, I look pregnant and I'm so gassy.   I don't drink coffee and can't have a normal poop.  I have some probiotics so I will start taking them.  I also have some mag and vit c.   duh.jpg


I know that I will get back to normal some day!  It is kind of nice to know that I am not alone in this area of discomfort.

I really don't like looking like I'm pregnant while being a grandma now!  HeHe!  

I think yesterday, I may have realized that I might have even become lactose intolerant, although I have never had a problem with dairy before, I know sometimes things change.  Like all of a sudden I am allergic to most antibiotics.  

I am testing out my theory this morning, as I changed up what's for breakfast!  No cereal with milk, and thus far it seems I may be on to something!  Crossing my fingers!  I do use a fat free french vanilla creamer that I did use a little in my coffee this morning, but put a halt on having anymore than one cup using it.  I will just add coffee to it as the morning goes on! 

I know that walking has helped, but we have all just gone through illness in our home, so that was put on hold for a bit.  Heading back to the gym tonight with my guy! 

Have a great day !