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Give and get support around quitting


Determined and alone

Hi everyone I'd like to ask what to do when I've got COPD and I'm trying to quit smoking once and for all honestly and I'm suffering with big-time anxiety attacks so bad that my throat and air supply feels threatened and picking up another isn't the answer but opening my mouth to gasp for air is just as bad so I eat something to make it go away any suggestions other than a pill I'm afraid of pills please?

10 Replies

The pursed lip breathing helps a LOT with the feeling of shortness of breath.  I had a respiratory therapist tell me to buy some bubble juice and to inhale through my nose and exhale SLOWLY through pursed lips.  If you exhale too quickly or too don't get any bubbles.  Make sure you have gotten rid of everything that reminds you of lighters, ashtrays, cigarettes, if you smoked inside...stop that first and then when you have to go outside to smoke, you will have to think about what you are doing.  You CAN do this and it really does get easier.  Our best response to COPD is to stop smoking, as soon as possible.

Welcome to EX,
