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Give and get support around quitting


Determined and alone

Hi everyone I'd like to ask what to do when I've got COPD and I'm trying to quit smoking once and for all honestly and I'm suffering with big-time anxiety attacks so bad that my throat and air supply feels threatened and picking up another isn't the answer but opening my mouth to gasp for air is just as bad so I eat something to make it go away any suggestions other than a pill I'm afraid of pills please?

10 Respuestas

Good morning.  What you do is stop smoking.  It will actually help your anxiety attacks too. A lot of us here have COPD.  After we quit smoking we learn how to manage our breathing.  Many of us tried to quit many times before we found this website.  The support and information we get here is so valuable.  You can do this and we are here to help.


Hi there CM1965 !!  WELCOME!  

First off... you're not alone!  You have a huge support group right here, who have gone thru what you are going thru and what you will go thru, and we all know that as difficult and scary as it seems, it can be done and you can do it!!

First... have you thought about patches, if you don't want pills?  The patches can ease the early withdrawal if you feel the need.

Second, regarding the panic or anxiety attacks... have you talked to your doctor about this?  You might need to consider taking some pills to ease those, especially in your early quit, maybe not for life but to help a bit at the beginning.

Third, have you tried purse-lip breathing technique?  Air in thru the nose count of 4, hold, out thru pursed lips count of 4 to 8, repeat.  Also abdominal breathing, using your diaphragm/abdomen instead of your upper chest to draw in the breaths.  These are all things I've learned and continue to learn now that I've started pulmonary rehab for my COPD.  I don't have panic or anxiety attacks, but get short of breath on very little exertion, and upper chest hard breathing doesn't help me recover.  Concentrating on each individual breath gets me over it quickly.  There are youtube videos to help learn.

Fourth... and very most important.... The ONLY thing that will slow or stop the progression of COPD is QUIT SMOKING.  NOW.  I can't stress how important that is.  The disease will only continue to progress, somewhat rapidly, if you keep smoking.  So it is very very necessary for you to do whatever you can to stop smoking.  There are inhaled meds that can make your breathing easier (your doc or whoever diagnosed your COPD can help with that) but they won't cure you and they won't stop the progression.  

Hope this wasn't too long to read.  I really care and want you to stick around here, read and learn all you can, prepare yourself briefly and quit smoking asap.

edit: p.s. quitting smoking did NOT improve my math skills LOL... got the count wrong but it made me laugh to see it, I hope you can smile and say 'what a dummie that marciem is!" 


Welcome to the Ex. Educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX    Understanding this addiction and being prepared are key to success.   As suggested, there are different types of nicotine replacement that don't involve pills.   Pick a quit date and jump on board.  We're here to support you on journey--just reach out if you need help.

"It is common to think that smoking is a way to calm your nerves and deal with feelings of anxiety. But the truth is, nicotine can cause anxiety symptoms or make them worse. Nicotine and mood are connected. Researchers know that nicotine in cigarettes affects your brain, including your mood".



Welcome - please take what HELPS and let go of the rest to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you - I just messaged YOU and shared with YOU - the newest info on copd - a blog by Thomas and HE has a ton of love infornation in HIS blogs ALL free - its ALL up to YOU to read them or any blogs here - THEY ALL HELP ME too - hang in there and keep blogging - it may takes us time - please know we will HELP just like WE were HELPED when WE first started living one day at a time - as a NON SMOKER - no worries - some one went through what YOUR experiencing NOW - gentle hug 


Hi and Welcome to Ex’s CM1965 

Many of us suffer from anxiety, so we do get it...anxiety can be so debilitating and you need to learn how to breath again...breath in from your nose and let it out with your lips sorta close (blow out your lips)...nice an easy...also, meditation can help and there are many free sites to get you started...getting out and walking even down the driveway and back...someone at this site is an elder, has COPD and suffers with anxiety...he has been a big inspiration to me through this at Thomas3.20.2010 

Keep close to the support site and we will help you through...You got takes time....~ Gotcha in my Thoughts ~ Colleen 301 DOF 


You’ve gotten some good advice.  Are your anxious about quitting?  Many are.  If you are prone to attacks, like I am, it’s very frustrating.  I do use NRT’s and take anxiety meds.  They have gotten me to 300 days, but I still get anxious.  It’s been explained to me here and by quit coaches it is a part of withdrawl for some.  And fear of it.  I don’t want to push replacements, but I can say for me, they helped with that fear this enormous change was going to bring.  I hope the advice from everyone here helps you find a solution to make this bearable so you can quit as you want to.


Smoking does not help anxiety except maybe a psychological link. Like you get anxious when you crave nicotine so smoking relieves that and then you associate smoking with relieving anxiety. You didn't mention if you are on inhalers for copd. copd really does cause shortness of breath where anxiety causes the sensation of not being able to breath. That can be improved with breathing exercizes. Regardless, many of us have quit through anxiety and depression and all kinds of life stressors. I am still using the patch and also used nicotine lozenges the 1st week as recommended for heavier smokers.



Smoking was actually causing my anxiety. Allen Carr got me to realize that rather than helping me relax and deal with anxiety it was actually the cause of my anxiety.  I was in a catch-22, where I wanted to quit but couldn't so every cigarette was giving me more anxiety.  I thought at the time it was helping to give me relief, but cigarettes were the route cause.  Now that they have been removed I have not had anxiety. Need to get through the first week or so and you will start to feel much better.  You got this!  


Stick with Ex. It will be here for you 365. Please update us on how you are doing, ask any questions you wish to. One day at a time, yes you can.