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Deluding Myself?


I am new to the site and have been reading some posts and blogs.  I immediately got the feeling that maybe I don't belong because I am not using the cold turkey method for my first attempt.  I have reasons, but now I wonder if they are just excuses.  I am taking some prescriptions which include fairly high dose steroids which have me wound a little tightly.  Ok, that's my wording.  Those around me would probably say I am bouncing off the walls.

I have changed my diet, am using the patch and drinking tons of water, juice and green tea.  Haven't had a diet coke in a couple of weeks and play, "distract and delay" games before I allow myself to slip.

I'm wondering if there isn't a pretty good chance I am fooling myself thinking I can quit "gently".  Opinions?

Thank you,


36 Replies

right on crazy......

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Thank you Crazy.  I am calling this the gentle method because while I am wearing the patch, if after a minimum of 15 minutes of distraction games, I will let myself light a cigarette. I am doing it this way for two reasons: I am feeling relief from my depression and anxiety for the first time in a very long time.  I don't want to stress myself and lose this clarity and happiness.  Also, I didn't feel like my nephews, who I take care of, should have to spend their summer vacation with a ranting, raving lunatic.  How much would that suck for all of us?

Thanks again,


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I had to quit "cold" myself. It wasn't easy, but it was doable. You can do this my friend.



Thank you Larry!

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Hi You're not deluding yourself at all and you definitely belong. Everyone does it differently, whatever works for you, is your quit method. I went with the, what I like to call "lukewarm" turkey method. I used the patch for about the first week. It got me through the worst of the initial cravings but then I found out I'm crazy allergic to the adhesive that is used to keep the patch in place, and having the nicotine directly on my skin like that was causing HUGE patches of inflamed skin that looked terrible. I had to stop, not by choice, and since I already had a week under my belt with no actual cigarette, I just kept pressing. Had I had the option, I probably would have kept using the patch. You have to do what's going to create the greatest chance of success for you. Just keep pushing on and remember that once you're past it, there's nothing that would EVER make you want to go through that withdrawal again Good luck to you!!


Thank you Angie!


You belong. Any method you use to quit and works is the right way for you. I used NRT, the patch, gum, and lozenges and I think they helped. Learning about addiction and what to expect are really important and help with success.  

Learn How to Quit Smoking (and Make it Stick) 


Thank you!

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Welcome to the group!  Come here everyday it has helped me so much during my quit.  This site helps keep me focused and informed. 


Thank you!

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