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Give and get support around quitting


Day Two

Hello all exers and soon-to-be-exers! I am thankful to have seen a TV commercial about this site today - I decided somewhat unexpectedly to quit smoking yesterday. Luckily I had my Chantix prescription ready and so far so good. Reading others' posts has helped me already, and although I quit without following the rules of becomeanex - I'm working it backward and ever so hopeful I am finally done with smokes! Glad to be here with you all.
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8 Replies

You can do it! I started my Chantix on 6 March 08, and my quit date was 13March08. This has been hard, but wicked rewarding! I just started running during my workout last week, and I am in love with the fact that I finally can! I cant wait till you can too!
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Thanks so much and Congrats to you!!! Are you using any replacement meds?
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Girl you must be younger than I am - my lungs might be able to handle running some day, but my knees sure won't! I am a fast walker and have doubled my exercise to twice a day to try to combat weight gain. You are doing an awesome job - six weeks!! That's great - can't wait until I can say that. Thanks for responding.
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You know, I just turned 29. My knees have had arthritis since I was 24 at least. I got a Nike + insert for my shoe that communicates with my ipod (and has a slammin workout mix to boot), and its Kara Goucher's endurance training. When I first started the workout, I was still a smoker, and I would slow walk for the jog portions and fast walk for the run portions. It alternates fast and slow which is the best for endurance training. I just pushed myself every time. I still use a puff of my inhaler before a workout, but now that my lungs are getting stronger, I find that I can fast jog (the most of a run I've ever done in my life) during the run portions and fast walk during the jog portion of the workout. I have it toned down, but according to my body, I'm amped up and feeling great about it. Of course, I am yet to lose weight, I am gaining muscle in my legs. I just do my "run" once a day, and I feel great. It also helps curb my dizzy spells that I'm getting from quitting my anti-depressants. I found out how bad they were on your body and have decided to go natural. The only pills I plan on taking from now on are birth control! You can do it!!!! You're already rockin it!
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You still hanging in there? I have tried to quit so many times, I am afraid to stop anything that seems to be working. I'm thinking about you and hoping for your strength! I am taking Chantix with an occasional nicotine gum, and am not having the problems I did with Chantix before. Whatever works girl - do it!
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Still hangin in! As a matter of fact, I have a couple of neighbor friends, real quick, that still smoke. They smoke around me, and I am fine. I am determined to not be a prisoner again. I was a little afraid to stop taking my medicine, but the juice was worth the squeeze, so I took the chance.
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way to go - I will wait a while to hang with smokers - been there, started back - you rock!
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I hear you Mystic - we're in it together - thanks!
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