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Give and get support around quitting


Day One ... again

I have been a closet smoker for decades.  I've been "quitting" for decades.  I had an old Facebook post show up from 9 years ago that I was starting a quit.  I've started a quit..., I can't even count how often.

I am starting a quit today.  I have learned many things about what works (and what doesn't).  My quit plan (so far)

1. Cleaned out my car yesterday.  Scrubbed the old ashes from the door panel.  Took a damp cloth to the headliner - and it came back black with old smoke.  Gag!  If that's what the car looks like, what could my lungs look like??  Threw away matches, soaked the last cigarette in the pack

2. Signed up on this website.  Part of my plan is to monitor this site and write something if I feel a craving.  Brace yourselves; this could get ugly. 🙂  My writing is smoke-free,fat-free, and cheap.  My  writing is not necessarily witty, brilliant, or even coherent.  Just another tool in the tool box.

3. Bought drinking straws.  Some I cut up and pretend to smoke and YES, I do know how stupid it makes me look.  I DON'T CARE.  I have also discovered that drinking from a straw encourages drinking lots of water (good thing) and also substitutes for that smoking motion and habit.

4.  Take the daily pledge.  Taking the pledge works for me.  It reminds me that for just today, I have made a commitment.  I keep my promises.  

I'm going to keep quitting until I am quit.  Period.

Happy trails


26 Replies

I've been trying everyday for 10 years to quit.  I don't want to start the New Year this way.  I have too much to live for.  I need more help and encouragement.

0 Kudos

You've come to the right place for encouragement.  Keep reading and visiting Ex to learn more about quitting and dealing with emotions early on. Yes you can one day at a time.


Stay strong, stay positive!  Put a plan together to help you overcome the urges.  You definitely have a lot to live for, we all do!  This site is the best place for support. I had to change the way I did things.  I never stepped foot back in the gas station I used to buy my cigarettes.  I always paid at the pump for the first few months to avoid the temptation. Whenever a craving struck I chewed gum and a lot of it for like the first year.  But I would always get on this site.  When I felt stressed and couldn't be near everyone here I would get in the car and head out as if I was going to go buy a pack, but then I would talk myself out of doing something stupid.  Its never easy giving up things we think we need.  But you can quit!  If you find yourself having a hard time, ask for help.  Everyone here can help you change your thoughts and help prevent you from caving in to the Demon!  Stay strong and stay positive!  


Thank so much.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 12:58 PM Marlene_mlpepsi517 <


Good job I feel your struggles I have been trying for year's to stop but something pulls me right back. Yesterday I quit again and like you I won't give up until I am no longer a smoker.


TexasMoxie‌ and Lynear 

I have pledged the same thing.  I won't give up until I am an ex-smoker.  No matter how many quits it takes.  I've decided that this is my last and permanent quit.  The information and support on this site has given me that final gut level determination that THIS IS IT.  I am doing it this time.  I am done.  Not One Puff Ever is my daily motto along with the daily pledge.  No matter what comes along to sway me.  The best advice I can give at this point is GET YOUR PLAN TOGETHER.  I think that is the key.  Decide what you'll do when those triggers pop up instead of smoke.  A motto I learned on this site that has really helped when I get the urge to smoke is  "I don't smoke anymore so what should I do instead?"  Asking yourself that question gets your mind searching in another direction and it usually comes up with something.  As well as having your quit list there to look at.  I'm only 10 days quit.  Let's do this.  You can do this I can do this  We can do this.   N O P E 



Lynear‌ and mlpepsi517 vlawson    That "thing" that keeps pulling you back is called addiction and the physical addiction is nothing compared to the psychological addiction.  Education, support, and commitment will get you through.  There is an expression..."Never quit quitting."  I cannot tell you how many failed quits I had but THIS quit has been over 4 1/2 years and this site and the people on it have been the most amazing gift you can imagine.  I copied and pasted YoungAtHeart‌'s welcome to new people as a response to this original blog....PLEASE read it.  PLEASE know that no one can quit FOR you but no one is going to MAKE you smoke either.  This journey is complicated and we are all unique but we all have one thing in common, we are addicts and we cannot smoke...Not One Puff Ever, NOPE was my mantra when I started and I STILL use it once in a while but not because I still have craves...I still have memories.  My life was intertwined with smoking...all aspects of it and I used smoking to stuff all of my emotions down, when I quit, I had to learn that those emotions are NORMAL...smoking is NOT.

Stay close to the site and let us help you to LEARN to be an ex smoker.  You CAN do this!  It gets easier, I PROMISE but it takes TIME and education and support and commitment..
