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Day 6 and Jonsing Badly

I'm in a bad way. Started last night when I was dreaming of having a smoke and then actually had on in my dream. The jones carried over to the day. All day I've been wanting one but have not given in. I thought it was suppose to get easier.
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3 Replies

It will get easier, you can overcome the nicodemons!! 🙂 Today is day 7 for me, and I don't really feel all too bad, but I might not have smoked as much as you, not really sure. Don't get me wrong, I still get urges. Just keep thinking of the money you're saving....your health that you're saving...and have you tried going for a walk or doing something physical? Trust me, you really don't want a smoke when you're already huffing and puffing and out of breath! Try sunflower seeds or something like that to keep your hands and mouth busy. And congratulations on having the willpower thus can do it! We're all cheering for you. Keep up the good work!
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Thanks Sarah, funny, I did walk about 5 miles today, just trying to stay busy. Had Chinese Food for dinner and really craved that after Chinese smoke so i came home and am presently laying in bed, the safest place for me. Thanks for the vote of confidence, i didn't give in which is good. love the "nicodemon" referance, that was funny.

Congrats to you 2, how long have you smoked for?
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so right gypsy, so right. that feeling you get when you overcome an urge is awesome.
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