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Day 37 why am I now feeling like smoking ??

I won’t smoke but I sure feel like it . Not sure why actually . Things are fine . Still exercising, tending to the garden , eating healthy , not really any stress but geesh several times today I’ve realky wanted a cigarette. 

Its kinda scary when it just rears it’s head like that. 

No worries . Never gonna smoke again. 

Just wanted to post about it and hope I’m always as vigilant at staying guarded to random cravings...

34 Respuestas

It is all part of changes taking place inside of YOUR OWN recovery process - YOU ARE A RECOVERING NICOTINE ADDICT .- Old patterns in old addict thinking and the process taked TIME - changing old thought patterns to NEW thought patterns - YOUR DOING GOOD- YOUR NEW MIND SET - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER -  N.O.P.E -  meaning Not One Puff Ever - SINAO - meaning Smoking Is Not An Option- CONGRATS ON 37 DAYS OF FREEDOM- yahooooooo - WAY TO GO! 


Thank you so much! 

Oh I won’t smoke again , ever . 

Just surprised the cravings are worse now than first few weeks . 

Hope you and your daughter are okay . Sending you both positive vibes and healing thoughts . 


You are experiencing “ NO Man’s Land 30 to 130 days quit”...go up to the right corner of the page and click on the magnifier and put in what I wrote you in quotes and read that blog post.  You will so relate at 37 DOF...Hang tough...hope it helps you out...~ Colleen 168 DOF 


Ahhhhh ...I’ve been reading about “ no man’s land “ and totally makes sense now . 

I’ll just expect to feel this way for next few months .

thank you 

one bad day out of a dozen or less is typical.

0 Kudos

Hey there, I’m still pretty new to my quit but I wanted to offer a couple apps I’ve been finding helpful - one is called Headspace and the other is called Quitgenius. I’m not usually one that’s into meditation or things like that but I find them incredibly soothing and the more I listen, the more open to the concept I am becoming which I find very helpful. Just thought I’d share in case it was something you might find helpful with how you’re feeling.


Congrats on your quit too !!

i do have the headspace app but I’ll check out the other . I starttrd getting into guided meditation after my divorce but haven’t used it too much lately with the quit . Thank you for reminding me that it does help . 


Thanks for sharing. I am at day 45 and feeling everything you wrote.



Hi I am on my 51 days an and feeling much the same as you.. the craving comes and goes off .. just need to hang in there patiently for it to pass..  but is getting better each day... I feel so so so so happy that is getting better and i know and believe after 130 days .. i will be totally fine... 

Let's do this together..