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Day 37 why am I now feeling like smoking ??

I won’t smoke but I sure feel like it . Not sure why actually . Things are fine . Still exercising, tending to the garden , eating healthy , not really any stress but geesh several times today I’ve realky wanted a cigarette. 

Its kinda scary when it just rears it’s head like that. 

No worries . Never gonna smoke again. 

Just wanted to post about it and hope I’m always as vigilant at staying guarded to random cravings...

34 Replies

Wow you sound strong willed and that's a good thing I'm smoke free for 52 days now so I do have those craves your talking about but I just say to myself why go back after all this hard work I'm not sure how your doing your quit cold turkey but I'm on the patch and it seems to be working pretty good but you also have a strong will and you will do it the journey is hard but at the end it will be worth it I wish you well look forward not back 


I still get strong urges too, NOPE! I don't do that anymore.Not sure where I am on my quit date days (August 13, 2018). But I still get them, they are weaker and weaker when they come and I am so grateful for that. Good luck on your journey!

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Over 180 days into this and still wanting the instant gratification.  Not the cigs, the feeling.  Unfortunately it’s them or vaping.  NRTs are fine, but the brain doesn’t like waiting.  Oddly, I find trying to meditate anxiety producing.  Guess cause my brain fughts that too.  It wants to be the boss.  Talk about control freak!  

I do miss the reward I was getting tho.  Why, oh why did they have to be so dangerous?  One thing I know, I will never forget the feel of a good drag, especially that first one.  I know many look back in disgust.  That’s good.  I just sigh and say dang......miss ya guys, but no can do.  


I can commiserate but I don't do that anymore!


I'm reaching out again because I need to get back on the free breathing wagon! Yes I went back I've been smoking pretty regular for the last week and a half. I'm not sure who to contact first. My brain really fights me on this like everyone else who is addicted to cigarettes! So I want to join in the fight and become strong again.

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