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Give and get support around quitting


Day 33 and counting

I am using the patch and have moved to step 2 of the program. I find myself kinda thinking about smoking and what I used to do when I got upset and how I used to smoke from boredom. And then I think of H.A.L.T. and do some spiritual searching and reflecting. Read my list of reasons why I quit every morning and act calm and cheerful at work. My boyfriend is wonderful, I am so grateful he is in my life. He is my support, he is my release, he is my best friend. He saw my progress and immediately started to take the patch as well. I never made him quit but I did show him that it can be done. If I can do it anyone can! Seriously....
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3 Replies

Sounds like you are working a good program and are doing everything in your power to stay free of the nasty smokes. Good job Gayle!!!
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This is great! You sound just like me with the boredom and stress. I got a lot of strength just from reading this: although I'm sitting here smoking now at my computer. I'm not an EX yet but I'm quickly learning that this can be done and this message alone has gotten me dedicated to setting a quit date. I know it's not a lot but its a big step for me... thanks for the post!!! And keep up the good work.
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Good for both of you! Lucky you have each other. Take good care and keep that going between is worth it.Congratulantions. On the love thing and the breath free together as well. Beautiful life!
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