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Day 2 help

On day 2 of not smoking.  I try not to think about cigarettes, however, it has been apart of my life for 40 years.  I have read Allen Carr, I am using the patch and in the book he states use nothing.  Please provide any information that can help me through this.  I am truly trying not to smoke, any advise will help.

35 Replies

Welcome to Ex.....2 Days is outstanding and in 24 more hours all the nicotine will be out of your system. Read Carrs book again. Highlight areas that stand out to you and use the book as a reference. Use this site when you can. READ many blogs, new and old. The more you learn about the addiction the better prepared you will be wen urges come.

Blog here as often as you want. Knowledge truly is power. Every time you smoke you wake up the receptors in your brain that turn on the craves. The more you deny the crave the less strength you give...the sooner your headed to freedom. You must go through tonged the breakthrough, we all did and while patches, gums and such can still have to make the choice not to smoke. I used nothing. I had tried it all but was not successful. I truly feel that for me ...knowledge...was the best tool I had to beat this crappy addiction....and this site and Carrs book. I wore my book out . By the end I had darn near the whole book highlighted.

im glad you here. We are here for you. Oh, and buy Vicks vapor rub, a little under the nose. I had the little blue bottles and the nasal inhaler everywhere. It literally killed my craves instantly. I used it all for about a month, then never needed them.

Good luck, hope we see you here a lot!


I am using the vick's and it is helping


Congratulations! I have a quit date coming up on January 2 so I am preparing but I am also scared to give up this emotional crutch. What do you mean by using the vick's? 


BaileysGirl‌ Welcome to EX...please do the reading, prepare for your will help to take away the fear.  Stay close to the site and read and blog and comment and become a part of this community.  My mantra for several months was NOPE, Not One Puff Ever.  Putting a dab of Vicks under your nose blocks the smell of smoke if someone else is smoking.  I sucked on Sour Patch Kids and drank GALLONS of water.  This is a will start on the 2nd and you will be stronger every day after that.

Again, welcome.



Thank you, Ellen! I do have some vicks...great suggestion.


Someone told me to put vicks vapor rub under nose.  It helps when you inhale.  I am actually reading this site as much as possible.  Today is day 5 a great day for me so far.  Read, Read Read and I pray, pray pray.



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Welcome to our community!

I recently wrote a blog that you might find helpful, and asked others here to add their advice: 

I'm glad to hear you are reading the Allen Carr book.  As with anything you read, take from it what applies to you and ignore the rest!

Congratulations on TWO DAYS of smobriety!  Keep at it (and keep reading!)



Here is a link that will give you some help for cravings.  As you already realize you will think about smoking.  However you have to commit to whatever it takes not to smoke you will do it.   Read blogs, go to is a very helpful site.  Go to the top right and click on my quit plan and get started.  Reading and watching the videos.  Distract by staying busy.  I cleaned and organized and got rid of the smoke odor.  Drink lots of water.  You have to go through the withdrawal just like any other drug.  It is doable.  NOPE not one puff ever will keep you free.  This is a journey and not an event believe that you can do it.  Stay close.  Congrats on 2 days keep stackin those days.