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Day 2 I am so tired!

This is day 2 of quitting . I am so tired I can barely keep my head up! Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get over this part of it quicker? Thanks
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19 Replies

Be strong Preston! Bet they didn't have places like THIS 10 years ago!? Keep coming here, it'll help. It helped me! YOU CAN DO THIS! Hang in there, we're all here for eachother, a MASS QUIT, if you will.....A BIG, GIANT GROUP HUG! That's what this place is to me!
Prosper in peace
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I guzzled the heck out of bottled water, still do. Did some deep breathing and most of all took it one day..shoot...sometimes one second at a time! This is something, as you know, you'll have to work hard for. Sorry, no easy button! LOL!
Prosper in peace
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Thank you!! Any tips? Have been white knuckle till I Viewed a T.V. commercial about 30 min. ago.
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Hi Yoga! First of all, drink a lot of juice. Our blood sugars drop when we stop smoking and that could be why you are feeling so sluggish. The first few days are hard, but they do get better!! Take it one day at a time and just put one foot in front of the other. keep your mind as busy as you possibly can...Tell yourself that smoking is not an option and that there is no such thing as one cigarette for me. Try not to dwell on how bad you feel, rather give yourself thanks and a pat on the back for getting through day one and now being on day 2!! Tell yourself how proud you are for doing this!! The more positive thoughts we can pump into our minds, the better off we will be. I read on the internet that grapefruit and oatmeal are really good for the metabolism. Maybe that could help too! If you have the time, read as much as you can on and . Both sites have awesome information about the mental part of this addiction, that you could definitely benefit from!! If you need more help, please feel free to drop me a post!! Way to go on day 2!!!
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Welcome Yogachic!
I quit 36 days ago thanks to people like Polly there, she's been there and done that! Day 2 is tough, I remember. Quitting takes a lot out of you mentally and physically, I was tired in the beginning too. Hang in there, the sweet life is callin!
Prosper in peace
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My 1st day, since relapse 10yrs ago. ?why is it I can quit drugs and alcohol, but smoking kicks my butt?
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Your body is healing from all the dangerous chemicals that you put in it. I'm no doctor, but it's probably normal. Just hang in there and before you know it, you'll be feeling energetic again! You're doing great! Keep going!
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Your body is healing from all the dangerous chemicals that you put in it. I'm no doctor, but it's probably normal. Just hang in there and before you know it, you'll be feeling energetic again! You're doing great! Keep going!
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Your body is healing from all the dangerous chemicals that you put in it. I'm no doctor, but it's probably normal. Just hang in there and before you know it, you'll be feeling energetic again! You're doing great! Keep going!
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