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Give and get support around quitting


Day 15

I am in recovery. I had an experience this weekend that strengthened my recovery. I took my brother and niece to the aquarium. My brother smokes. I didn't tell him to not to smoke around me like I used to do. I am not running from triggers. I'm deactivating them. At one point he had me hold his cigarette because his hands were full. That was really uncomfortable. But I knew all I had to do was not put the cigarette in my mouth and inhale. I had thoughts of wanting to smoke but no cravings.

Yesterday was harder. I laid in bed all day. I didn't do anything I had planned. I did have cravings yesterday but made a commitment not to smoke just because I feel depressed. I reminded myself that I don't have to smoke no matter how I feel or what I think.

Today is starting out like yesterday (laying in bed doing nothing) but I can't do that to myself. I'm getting up and doing stuff. The inertia I feel is frustrating. I fall into it every time I have unstructured time. I have little control over it. I am glad that I don't have to smoke over it.

There's some other stuff I can blog about but I'll save it for another post. 

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6 Replies

Congratulations on surviving a difficult time with the smoker this weekend!  You DID it - and next time it should be a bit easier.

Glad you are up and at-em! Today - maybe play a computer game, put some music on and dance to it, get out and buy a crossword book or jigsaw puzzle, clean out a drawer or a closet (and I KNOW you have a messy drawer or closet lurking in your environment) and just think how NICE it will be to open that space and see ORDER?!!

This takes some initiative and self discipline to stay distracted during the early days - but it does get easier and easier until it becomes second nature.

And finally, just don't smoke!


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Congratulations. on 15 Days, Time Flies when you are having fun.  GET OUT OF THE BED and have some FUN>  Life is very short.  You have to capture every moment of the wonderful life without a cigarette.  Life is calling you. Come join our Exercising and Health

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WOW, I cannot imagine holding someone else's cigarette for them...seriously, that was HUGE.  Congratulations on your 15 helps if you can get moving, releases dopamine and will make you feel better.  You are doing GREAT...seriously, what a test THAT was.


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I made a vow never to put one in my hand ever again.  So how am i to smoke if I keep just that one commitment.  NEVER.  Of course if they are on my turf they have to put them away. Period. No questions asked on conversations about it.  DONE with that!  Sometime the enemy will use who is close to you to pick up again.  Don't give into the trickery. 

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Congrats on your quit! When you said - "But I knew all I had to do was not put the cigarette in my mouth and inhale." I had a big smile! You have got this!! Knowing that things may be rough on some days - but that you don't have to smoke - is so RIGHT!! Way to go! 

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Thank you for your honesty and resolve not to take the first puff.

I identify with the sluggish feelings.

Congratulations and keep up the good work!

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