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Give and get support around quitting


Day 1.

I Was supposed to quit smoking yesterday. I didn't because I still had a new packs of cigarrets. Being the money concious person that I am, I finished the last one last night.
I got up this morning and put on my patch. I also got out my mint flavored plastic cigarett. I must say the mint taste far better than smoke.
So far I am okay.
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3 Replies

Good for you Cinda! I became a non-smoker on the 14th as well. 6:25 a.m. was my last one. I actually went out that morning, drove past the store 3 times, broke down and paid $7.82 for a pack of cigarettes, smoked 1, performed my own little exorcism, then called a friend and made her come to the door to take them from me (6:30 by this time - she was not happy). Anyway, I totally understand the new pack thing, and all I can suggest is stay away from the store!!!

I wish you lots of luck.
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Thank you Kim! I am avoiding places where people smoke or buy cigs. It is becoming easier now. Day 5 is on the way!
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Here is our day 5 Cinda!!! Hope you are doing well and staying strong. Personally doing well today myself. Something about that book I read (Easyway by Allen Carr) helped me tremendously. Only wanted to kill hubby twice in the past few days.

Keep staying away from the store!!!! Good Job!!
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