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Day 1 for me

Hi everyone, today is day one for me, I am niccin like crazy. I am puffing on the inhaler like crazy. It seems to make me want a cig even worse. It is like a tease for the nicotene. Has this happened to anyone else?

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10 Replies

Cindy, today was my first day and I failed miserably. I was on chantix and I hated how I felt,but I kept going and today going up on the dose made me have a panic attack so I'm done with chantix and on to something else....God only knows.
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Hi Theresa, I was on Chantix. I had to get off. The doctor took me off after 2 months of taking it and it not helping. Right now I am puffing on the inhalers. I had them in my house from a long time ago when my son lived here. I don't even know if it's any more good. It feels like it is making me want a cig even worse. I pray I make it thru the night. I know what you mean about the panic attacks. I have them too. I don't handle stress well at all. I will keep you in my prayers and don't give up. You can kick this bad habit.

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hey Cindy sorry to be a downer on both of our quit dates ,but I really don't have panic attacks and the chatix and me just don't get along. I loved it at first and really it makes you not want to smoke or me anyway, but the higher dose just wacked me out I felt like I was truly crazy. I won't give up. Want to try something else not sure what...maybe just cold turkey with not drugs or replacement therapy actually works best. Just went on a few dates with someone new who doesn't smoke at all and that really helps. Have to wait and see and pray. Keep up the good work girl!
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Yes dating someone who doesn't smoke would help. Good luck to you.

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I can't relate to the inhaler thing, but I can relate to the cravings I had when I first quit. It sucked and I hated them. But I knew I had to go through feeling uncomfortable to feel better. You don't have to like what you're going through, just get through it. Don't give up before the miracle happens. The miracle is that the cravings leave and you slip into the lifestyle of a non-smoker. It's great! You'll make it too. Venting is really good to help you with your quit. It's better than stuffing it inside you until you explode and light up. You're doing great!
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Right at this minute i need a cig bad. I won't even get our of my pj's because I know I will go to store and buy a pack. I don't know how to stop this feeling inside of me.

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Good way to vent: grab a pillow and go to town on the thing. Punch it to your heart's content for a good 3 to 5 minutes and I guarantee the craving will pass.

Here's a few ideas that can help in the long run:

-Tell everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) you work with that you're quitting smoking and to get on your case if they see you doing it at work. Helped me out a lot.

-Get rid of anything in your house that reminds you of smoking like ashtrays, lighters, matches, etc.

-Go out and get one of those Glade plug-in things to plug into your wall. Helps keep your mind off of any lingering cigarette smell that sticks around your house, and some of them are pretty relaxing.
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Hi Cindy, Tomorrow is my quit day. I am really excited today and I am praying that I am stoked this much tomorrow. We can be quit partners if you'd like. I had my last cig an hour ago. Out of all the friends I have not one of them is a smoker so no one really knows the chanllenges Iam going to have. I cleaned my apartment for like 10 hours today to keep myself busy and by thinking about all the positive things I have to look forward to by being a non smoker. Opps! An EX! LOL. You can do it! WE can do it!!
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just hang in there it will probably get even harder but after some time has passed you will feel much better and be glad you made this choice, day 1 for me wasn't hard because i wanted to quit so bad i am on day 15 and now it is harder than hell, i have felt every feeling in th websters dictionary, but know i am doing the right thing. bobbie
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