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Give and get support around quitting


Day 1 for me too

Hi My name is Kelly and I have been smoking for 15 years.  I am sooo ready to quit and I really want to be successful this time.  I am hoping that this site with all the support and people who are on here will give me the strength and tools I need to succeed.  My quit date is Dec 29, not too far away really.  I am in the process of buying a business and that has its stressful moments let me tell ya.  I think the hardest part for me is when I have a little time on my hands though & I have to have a cigarette.  It is like it helps me through whatever I am doing or fills the gap if I am bored.  Strange isn't it??? Stupid when I look at it that way.  Its like a security blanket in its own way.  The other times that are hard is with morning coffee and after eating! Those I think I can work on and change my routines a bit to not make it as easy or inviting to light up.

 So, nice to meet everyone and I look forward to chatting with you all.  ~kelly

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2 Replies

Hi My name is Carlota. I have been so sluggish and feeling not motivated. I used to work out in the gym 5 times a week and lately I am losing the motivation and the will to keep myself motivated.  I need to be productive again and to stay focus with my goal. I am a positive person but for some reason, I find cigarette as my easiest excuse and alibi.

Looking forward to chat with everyone.

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Hey Kelly,

I can tell you from personal experience that you can break the times that you have a cigarette.  The first time i tried to quit and was successful for about six months (then i bought a house).  What i brought with me from that last quit is that i do not need to smoke at work. i could crave a cigarette right before work and as soon as i get into work the need it gone.

I know the feeling of "filling in the gap", getting home 12:15 or later in the morning you have nothing but gaps to fill. 

When your quit date comes think of it as a new beginnning, you are a new person, because you will be 🙂

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