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Give and get support around quitting


DAY ONE - one step at a time

I'm officially an EX! 10 hours and counting!!!

I'm going to the amusement park with my best friend & our kids today. Another friend told me yesterday that it's not a good day to quit...told him there's never going to be a "perfect" day. I just have to do it...before it kills me.

So here I am...still SCARED S***LESS...but I'm going to literally take it one step at a time.

I had toast for breakfast and was wondering why the peanut butter was so hard to spread...realized that I forgot to toast it first!!

I'm staying positive! I am a beautiful single mother who refuses to be controlled by the nicodemons anymore!

Wish me luck...and THANKS for all your support so far!!!
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11 Replies

As you've heard time amnd again, it DOES get better, it really does. Best of luck to you Gin. We're all here if/when you need us!

Barbara - quit for 1 Month, 2 Days, 16 hours, 40 minutes and 4 seconds (32 days).
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I'll give you my best piece of advice (I'm at the 6 month without a smoke point right now). It's something my brother told me when I quit. I asked him why he never started again after he quit 15 or 20 years ago. He said
"Because, quitting sucks and I'm only going to go through it once. If I start again I will have to quit again. It might be a Dr telling me I have to quit, my wife telling me I need to quit, or me deciding I need to quit, in any case if I start again I'll have to quit again and quitting sucks, so I only want to go through it ONE time".
It was a really simple words of wisdom, but every time I walk by a smoker and it smells good, or find myself wanting one at night or in the morning, I think of what he said, and so far its kept me away.
Good Luck, good luck to all of us!!!
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