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Give and get support around quitting


Current goals.

So what are your current goals and what are doing to get there if anything.  I can't wait until my quit is so solid I never think of a cigarette. How incredible!!! 

Current goal 6%ers.  How to get there...

1 N.O.P.E. Not One PuffEver.

2 Onedayat a time!!

3 NO reason is a GOOD reason.

4a. Breathing

4b.stretching and reminding myself I am stretching because I am a nonsmoker now.  

All of my new things and habits I say I am a nonsmoker now that is why I am doing them.  My kids even chime in on it now. We all chuckle.

5.A full water bottle at all times. Also gum

6. Identify cravings and think through them. 

7. Thinking about triggers and trying to more in tune with what is going on around me and with me.

8. My last resort is always Nicotine gum.  Down to 2-3 pieces a day. 

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Keep at it you are winner. NOPE no matter what will keep you free. 

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