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Give and get support around quitting


Current Conversation? I am new here?

How do you find a group that is current? I quit smoking on 02-10-17, and I'm really struggling. I have a lot of anxiety, and would like to find support?

15 Replies

I am new to, I am 52 days now did you go cold turkey or are you on something else, I just stayed on the couch, and took lots of naps, when I first started, and I still get anxiety that is why I get on here, and read everything I can so I do not blow my quit, so stay postive, and stay a non smoker, you can do this, and we are here for you. Helen. 

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When I first joined what helped me the most was blogging every single day, let it be a symptom I'm having, a feeling I'm going through, questions about something I had, just sharing my day in general.  Just hit post to my blog and then at the bottom post it as your personal blog and hit publish, simple as that.  Don't concern yourself with different places to post things.  That knowledge will come with experience on the site.  This site works differently than a chat room.  there is no real time feed.  It's just a group of ex-smokers trying to help people quit by sharing our experience, our own journeys.  there's somebody online all time at different times of the day.  Some just peek in and others comment a lot.  Just know that we are here and we'll come running if you need help

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I'm quitting too! Your farther along than I am, today is THE DAY! Feel free to talk to me about anything! 

for the anxiety and just general mood swings I take St. John's Wort, you can get it at a health food store or anywhere you get vitamins. It is a natural option to deal with the anxiety.

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Newbie Quitters‌ Hello, and Welcome to EX ISPEAKINALLCAPS I am not sure how many go to the group I just suggested, but it may be a good place to read and perhaps meet newer quitters. I hope it helps!   ~Terrie~

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I'm on Citalopram and Amitripylin. I'm wondering if St. John Wort can be taken with these psychotropic medications. I have been through more stress than one person can bear, but I have to stop smoking because of COPD. I have been preparing since I contracted pneumonia in November, cutting back to 3-2-1 until stopping completely on 02/10. I have many reasons to stop, which I tell myself when cravings get bad. I have used the patches since November, presently on the 14. I also use the lozenges, usually only 1-2/day. Today I haven't used any lozenges, but the stress hasn't been as bad as most. I don't have any support, and really need to figure out how to use this site.

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I would ask your pharmacist regarding the St Johns Wort  and any possible interactions.

Here's the best way I've found to see what's happening on the site. There is a list of actions on the left.


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