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Covid 19 Pandemic

Has pandemic Covid 19 made any changes in smokers' lifestyle? 

14 Replies

When the pandemic first began I found myself smoking ALOT more . I was no longer working or doing anything social so I had all the time in the world to smoke. I used the pandemic as an excuse to smoke more. The stress, the unknown, All the free time.  I noticed that all of my friends and family who were smoking were also smoking more too. These were excuses to Quit not to smoke more! So it took me a loooong time, but I am almost 14 days off the ciggys!! Wooohooo! It certainly was a scary time to be a smoker, and I hope I can inspire my loved ones to quit someday as well. One day at a time!



Absolutely, your path is right ! one day at a time. Congratulations for 14 days smoke free. 

Shout here if you need support. NOPE...

All the best !

Note : My two friends got similar thinking in a way, they smoked more than normal in pandemic.

 It was "new normal" addiction for them.

Both of them trying to quit... let see !

So true about smoking more during the pandemic. I know I did. It’s great that you made the decision to quit in the middle of this crazy time. Good for you!



I think boredom has set in for a lot of folks during this pandemic - and boredom was a HUGE trigger for me.  Smoking more might actually HELP them quit - I always felt awful when I smoked a lot! 


Agree..For some this would be trigger to quit. thank you for sharing Youngatheart.7.4.12 Blog‌ !

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