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Continue with patch?

I am about five days into my “quitting journey”, and have been using the nicotine patch as an aid. I’m still struggling with cravings, and I’m wondering if I should go from the step one patch to the step two, give myself another week on step one, or stop prolonging the inevitable and suffer the full nicotine withdrawal? I’ve been having increased physical pain (I have chronic pain on a good day) while going from smoking to the patch, and have been either oversleeping or having insomnia. I worry continuing with the patch may extend these symptoms.

im unable to take Wellbutrin or Cymbalta(?) due to my other health problems, any advice? Thanks so much for reading, happy holidays. : )con

11 Replies

Congrats on 5 days.  I would use the patch as directed on the box.  Do not be in a hurry to get off of NRT"s.  Noni juice is a wonderful holistic remedy for pain.  Feel better.

Thank you! I’ll be sure to look into the Noni juice. : )

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I would follow the box directions of the patch.   I dont know how long you have smoked??  For me I have to unlearn smoking and the addiction as well".  So I will follow their recommendations. ( As far as how they say to use and quit the patch).  One thing at a time for me.  No one has to be a saint when you stop smoking!  Using the aid wisely, for myself "is an important factor of not failing, by trying aids and jumping off them to soon perhaps.  What matters is not putting toxins of tobacco products in our body MHO.

I smoked throughout my early twenties and quit for a few years. Sadly my partner passed three years ago and I started up again shortly after. I’ve been in too much pain to really find better distractions than YouTube and Netflix, but I’m now on my day 7 of not smoking. Thank you for all your help!

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Congrats on the start, 5 days is something to be proud of.

if you read the box for the patches, it says to use for 6 weeks before dropping down.  My doctor said some people need even more time before a drop.  Your body is trying to figure out what is going on and having a tantrum it’s not getting the nicotine as an instant reward called addiction.  I’m on 14’s and am at day 22. Recommendations are the same 6 weeks.  I also use the 2mg. lozenges to try and calm that inner tantrum.  There’s no way to escape withdrawal totally as you know.  I see it is prolonging it, but not the 'inevitable'.  I just knew for me, cold turkey was a guaranteed fail.  The science says you are giving your body time to adapt to a different delivery and break that instant reward. My sleeping is all messed up too.  I often wake up with tremors making opening the patch hard, I don’t sleep with it as logic tells me I never got up to smoke, so I factor in I am getting less than the patch dose which was only about 80% anyway.  I may be on the lozenges for a long time.  Doc says she doesn’t care as long as no smoking.  I know some look at this as switching addictions, but my health will still thank me.  I’m no doctor, just another struggling to make the finish line, so just my opinion.  Good luck!  

Thank you so much for pointing this out to me! My pain has been affecting memory and cognition, so for whatever reason I had the thought the steps were per week. 

I do have some hand tremor tips because I’ve had them for years. Try not to beat yourself up or stress when your hands aren’t working how they “should”. I know that those thoughts and feelings can amplify the tremors. Drink lots of water, and avoiding caffeine can help too. 

I hope youre still doing your your best on your quitting journey, and congratulations for hanging in there. : )


Oh, I forget to add that since quitting my pain levels have been worse.  I think that nic monster is trying anything to lure me back.  One thing he can’t conquer is my needing oxygen so much from being sick.  So ho ho ho humbug to him!  

Stay strong! I do think that my body and mind are fighting (more than usual) right now. It’s just hard that I’m not able to do the things I want to do, even outside of smoking triggers. Does that make sense at all?

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Makes perfect sense to me.  Have the same problems.

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