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Give and get support around quitting



Hey everyone. So I slipped again this weekend... I ended up smoking some of my son's cigarettes. I've probably had 10 over a couple of days.. He has finally agreed to not buying or bringing any more in to the house. He is finally over smoking too! It's going to make it easier to do it now and I'm happy he wants to get healthy too. Just wanted to confess and be accountable for my actions  

I have felt anxious all day with the ups and downs of nicotine in my body. Every time I slip it becomes even clearer as to the effect it has on my body and mind. At least there's lessons in it. 

From tomorrow, NOPE!!! Hope you are all well & smoke-free!!

Have a great day!

23 Replies

You CAN do this and so can your son.  The very least he can do is to not bring any cigarettes into your home, there is simply no excuse for that.  The fact that you are aware of the things happening in your body when you smoke is very positive one.

We are here to help you, come and read every morning and every evening and in between, if needed.  Remember Not One Puff Ever, NOPE.



Yes we can!! We are both smoke-free today. I feel soooo much better than I did yesterday. No cravings at all.. relieved to not want or need a cigarette. I will be on here a lot! Thank you


Congratulations on your quit, Nic. It's important to be prepared for any event or craving. Everyone gets them at some point or another.

It's what we do at those weak moments that define our quit, whether it is successful or not. Craves are often triggered by certain specific situations, like finding a pack of cigarettes unexpectedly.  At least this is what I learned after many failures in the past.

It only takes one to be a success though and it only takes one puff to lose everything. What it came down for me was just to make the decision to never pick up a cigarette, light it and inhale. As long as I stuck to that and kept it simple, i was bound to succeed.


Thank you!! Yes I am sure there will be times that I feel like one but I will be consistent and strong.. NOPE.. Day 2 today. Still very tired but no anxiety so feeling a lot better than thinking about a smoke every hour!