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Cold turkey vs. the patch

Tomorrow’s my quit date, 3/5/18.  I’ve tried to quite several times in the past and never made it more than 1.5days.   I’ve read Allen Carr’s the easy way, tried the patch, the gym, Wellbutrin....but never tried cold turkey so I’m leaning towards that.  I’m 37 years old and been smoking at least half a pack if not more a day since I was 14....I know gross!   My parents were heavy smokers and I know my mom smoked while pregnant so basically I’ve smoked my entire life.  I really want to be free!!!!  F u big tobacco!!!!  I’d like recommendations....I do have the patch and gum from previous attempts and I plan to go cold turkey in the morning but carry 1 21mg patch with me in case it gets too overwhelming.  What do you think?

17 Replies

Well it turns out the patches I had expired so I just went Smart turkey as someone above said.  I made it through my morning routine without smoking.  I'm now at work, and I feel like I"m on acid.  Which is crazy because I smoked last night at 10:30 PM so it hasn't even been 12 full hours.  I prayed, prayed, prayed this morning for His aid to keep positive and enjoy breathing smoke free.  I continue to repeat, N.O.P.E!, (not onemore puff ever!!!)  Man I hope I can actually quit this time!!!


Shouldn't laugh that you were in "bat country" but it sounds funny, I'm getting by on about 4kg of licorice allsorts so far at Day 17.8 of freedom- breathing's nice. Hope it's alright for now with you. IMHO it's easier to just quit nicotine the one time, but everyone has their own way. 


I chose cold turkey for my previous quit and this one.  When I smoked my last cigarette, I wanted a clean break from nicotine.  It's working for me but you should do what makes you most comfortable.

Wishing you all the best in your quit!


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How Many Milligrams of Nicotine in a Cigarette?

image001It is widely known that the presence of nicotine in cigarettes is what causes the addictive “good feeling” that draws people to continuously smoke cigarettes or tobacco. It is no question though, that this sought-after euphoria can cause harmful effects on the human body and can cause long-term damage. Nicotine (C10H14N2) is a naturally occurring alkaloid which is an organic compound produced by plants. However, as nicotine is composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sometimes oxygen, these combinations of chemicals can have poisonous effects on the body.

How Many Milligrams of Nicotine in a Cigarette?

It should be noted that a regular pack of cigarettes contains 8 to 20 milligrams of nicotine and from that only 1 mg is absorbed when it is smoked. Now on a smaller scale, this means from every cigarette stub containing approximately 1.2 mg of nicotine, the smoker will absorb around 0.1 mg of nicotine from it. Marlboro on the other hand, has lesser nicotine content at 0.8 mg. However, the nicotine content of many American cigarettes has increased significantly in the past years. So, this means the higher nicotine content would naturally result to a higher amount is absorbed by the body.

Nicotine content varies not only by brand and type of cigarette but also by country of origin as well. The information of nicotine content is shown on every cigarette package; moreover checking on the company's website can give you the full details.


     I quit 4.4 years ago and did it cold turkey but with moderate help online (not Ex but other ways of getting support online).  I knew when I quit that it would be an inside job although I understood that it was an addiction--but knowing that it is an addiction has come with time. Before I quit, I was under the influence of nicotine, so it took a lot of willingness to change up my routine and not smoke day after day. I personally feel that cold turkey should be done along side support---like Ex. With support you get to know the ins and outs of coping with life on lifes terms one day at a time. You get to share and you get to hear from others---always on a take what you need leave the rest. It's the coping and relearning that are the milestones in quitting. Stick with Ex would be my strongest suggestion to you. Hope you've found Ex responses helpful to you.


I second that! EX has been a godsend.


I also tried all the aids you mention, but add Chantix to the mix. I found that the side effects gave me additional issues to contend with, on top of withdrawal. This time , I’m using the lozenges as needed. They help, and I have no side effects. I might use two in a good day, three on a bad one. So far, so good. Today marks a week. 

 Three things I tried this time that I had never tried before: a support  community, moderate exercise, and meditation.  For me, I think those three things have been the magic sauce.

 Whatever you decide to do, do what feels best for you and works best for you. And stay strong. Hang in there. You know you want this! 


COLD TURKEY.......and never look back.........

Don't Quit smoking...........

STOP smoking.......

 (I smoked 2 packs a day for 43 years.....I did the "gobble, gobble"  and never looked back. YOU GOT THIS!!!

We are HERE for YOU!!

We are here for you

We are here for you

We are here for you..........repeat as needed 



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