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Give and get support around quitting



All those years of smoking

caused my gums to recede

about 1/8 inch above the enamel. 

So for the past 5-6 years 

I've been paying to have 

the tops of my teeth bonded.

It costs 185 per tooth and needs

to get touched up at least once 

per year and it still looks ugly.

So, I told the dentist I want a plate.

He said "NO-o-o-o-o-o Tammy, you 

won't like it"

So I pay 100 dollars for a consult

at a different dentist about a plate.

He said, NO-o-o-o-o-o, your roots are good.

You should cap canine to canine 

and get two bridges.... 16k for the tops.

And I'm thinkin---- I don't know anyone

who has all their teeth capped -- like 

I don't live in Hollywood.

So then my gf says, go see my dentist.

He will give you a quote on some veneers. 

So I made an appt for Monday, Dec 4th

There is another 100 consultation fee. 

With all the former smokers on here

there has to be someone else who 

completely messed up their teeth.

I Know I'm not the only one.... 

Anyone have any experience with this

that they'd care to share???

42 Replies

No More Loose Dentures ~ Dental Implants Charlotte NC | Implants By Patel 

I had never heard of this either but it looks very cool compared to dentures that won't stay in. I wonder how long you have to have no teeth while the implants heal?

It looks like the maintenance can get expensive. The plastic teeth wear down and if there's a tartar buildup that can't be cleaned easily, they may have to be removed for cleaning and every other time they are removed, the implant screws need to be replaced. 


I couldn't look or read .. I will take your word for it


JonesCarpeDiem‌  Unless of course you're a dentist, that link should have come with a warning!! That's crazy, I can't even look. 

Dentures are the last resort yes, but unfortunately the only resort as the cost of dental work is just ridiculous.  Implants today, you get "flappers" in place while the implants heal, so you don't have to walk around toothless!!

OMG, I have to eat breakfast now??!!! I am so AWARE of my teeth!!! LOL


Muchhhh better!!! And LUCKY, no dentist for me today!!??!! YOU??    

Yep. 9am. I'm having 4 stainless steel crowns put on because my dentist said bottom dentures don't stay in place well.


Best of luck at the dentist!! When you can keep your own teeth, crowns are always the way to go! Dentures are the last resort - even if we have to pay over and over to have the crowns replaced through the years.

 Unless we will the lottery of course and than full mouth implants !!  


6 months for the lower, 12 months for the upper; all this if there is no need for bone graft.

I had 2 lower implants put in about 15 years ago, they are my strongest!

I grind my teeth also, have a mouth piece made custom, but I am taking it out unconsciously, and my puppy had a fun with it one day...found it on his pillow on the patio...


What kind of puppies are these?  They may just be the cutest I have ever seen!