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Chewing a piece of 4 mg gum after no nicotine for weeks ?

Ok so I quit cold turkey Feb 12 th, 2018. I have been smoking a pack pluss for 25 years.

I had awful with drawl for 3 days. Headache, sick to stomachs, the chills. It was really awful and ridiculous at the same time. In the past year I have tried the patch, I could smoke with a 21 mg patch on..And chantex while it did help with the cravings, it made me an awful crazy person. I knew if I was ever going to quit it had to be cold turkey.. So I did it. I have been almost 3 weeks with no nicotine. Today I was emotionally pushed to my limit . I ended up digging through my cupboard and found 4 mg nicotine gum, rather then resorting to physical  violence. I know that sounds awful, but honestly I was dealing with a mouthy 21 year old who knows everything is never wrong and is getting a loan to buy a house after working for a company for 6 mnths and makes 15 bucks an hour.What does one even say to that logic.. Any ways I chewed a 4mg gum for like 5 minutes. Now my brain is screaming for another peice..AM I going To Go  Through WITHDRAWAL all over again? 

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14 Replies



Kiss Kiss.

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I never used any nicotine replacement but I honestly don't think one piece of gum is going to throw you into full blown withdrawal.  You are doing this, you are in recovery.  Rather that punishing yourself, see if you can do some sort of exercise that will release dopamine. I remember the first time I got on a stationary bike and I was pedaling away and I noticed that I felt WONDERFUL.  I did not have to smell like smoke, I did not have to do something harmful to myself...I had found the answer for me.  

Good luck with that 21 year will be interesting to see if he or she can get a mortgage.  I don't think that it's too easy but I really have no idea.  Whatever cannot control it, you have clearly expressed your opinion now sit back and see what happens.

Welcome to EX,


Better to use the gum than to have smoked.

The nicotine was out of your system the first week so using that gum didn't really help anything. 

As far as reawakening the receptors. yeah, you may have but, if you don't keep feeding them, I don't see a problem with thinking you're all the way back or anything. 


krispy1  What ever works for you works!!  

Prayers being sent your way.  Hugs