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Give and get support around quitting


Can I really do this?

I have tried 7 times so can I really it do it this time?

Anyone else in the same boat?
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14 Replies

I slipped twice when I started my quit. But I am know on day 9. You can do it; it will happen. Just keep going on, one hour at a time, one day at a time.
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This is my 4th or 5th time trying in the last year! I used Chantix all the other times, but I always relapsed. My doctor will not prescribe Chantix again, so I am going to use the patch. Since I have failed all the other times, my friends and family are like - "OK, yeah, you're going to quit" - kind of like "we'll believe it when we see it". This does not feel very good. I have made a list of all the reasons I really want to quit and I have joined this web site - because I need more help than I have been getting on my own. I know I am strong enough to do it - and I am sure you are too!
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Beware of Chantix !!!

Go to:
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I was just wondering how you are doing? Today is my day 7! I am so excited! Can't believe I have made it to the one week mark!
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I have tried to quit as many times as you have! I have tried Chantix, the patch, Nicotine Gum, hypnotism---You name it!!!! Never successful on any of those things. I quit this time on April 4, 2009 without using anything. I went cold turkey. It has been a real roller coaster of ups and downs but I am still hanging in there.

I believe that whether we use something to help..or whether we don't use anything....the first thing and most important tool we have to have is an extremely strong desire to quit and stay quit. Because that is what we ultimately have to call upon during crises. We have to ask ourselves, how bad to I really want this? At least that is what I am finding for myself!!! THAT is the main thing that has gotten me this far and I believe the only thing that will keep me successful.

You CAN really do it this time!!!
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Well, Debra. I kinda think we CAN do this if we are READY! I've only been quit 28 days..but that is a BIG DEAL for me! But I couldn't have done it last year, cause I wasn't at that place in my head that was ready...Denial is a big thing! lol For me, there is no such thing as cutting back. If I have just one cigarette a day "the party is SO over"! All I would do is worry about when I could have my next one! Once I really made up my rid of all the cig packs I had stashed everywhere and told myself NO then I quit experiencing daily withdrawal symptoms! ;_) Good Luck to you! Hang Tough!
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I know I am beginning to wonder if "I Can Really Quit". 

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I had quit for ten years believe it or not and it's back in my life. Last month I was able to stop for 35 days, and I'm smoking again, it's ridiculous. Are there groups out there like AA were you can meet and talk to people about quitting?

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