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Can I get drunk

If I mix 2mg Xanax, with 75mg Benedryl and 750ml Zinfandel Rose, can I get drunk?

I had yet another argument with hubby, and  I can hear him snoring through the wall, that's how much he cares.

Is it worth taking verbal abuse (even if they are followed by flowers, perfume, and a beautiful card, it is really worth after 34 years of marriage?

I don't know, I have 1/2 Full haha of Zinfandel (the half full), and I won't go to sleep before I finish it, no matter what.

but I believe one can get drunk on a bottle of wine, right???

Hugs, kisses, and proposals are welcome!

Back to my wine, ha!

But I won"t smoke: 1. I can't get in this state behind a whell (maybe a ride in the neighborhood wouldn't be so is an idea)

                                 2. I have nowhere particularly to go other than a tobacco store

                                 3. I don't feel the need to smoke, just to drink right now (I know Nancy, I could lose my mind. but I'll take a chance...)

                                 4.  Mom went to sleep crying (because of our argument), I can't make her worry on top of being sad

PS  Is it normal after 34 years of marriage to keep taking verbal abuse, just because my mechanical engineer husband is unable to assembly a swiveling barstool???

Good nigh all and if Santa won't bring me anything, so be it, he can fly back to his home, no hurt feelings here...

49 Replies

With pancakes.  Two kittens with pancakes.

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I don't think the new platform supports the transfluene of thoughts between blogs yet.

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You are too much Nancy YoungAtHeart, why would these man complain about our company, you fed them and nurtured them in two little pics!

How can they still complain?

And elvan‌, I am so sorry about your back, the rug is back in the house, but I promise you it was not easy!  At least now it's clean, I can lay down and do my lower back exercises..and these are good no matter the room you are using, corners or not!!!

Image result for low back strengthening exercises

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They look GREAT!

Now - if I could just GET on the floor (not from falling, that is!)



Daniela2016‌ I, too, have a separate bedroom at the other end of the house.  I never slept when we were in the same room...the snoring would wake me up and when he turned over, he always hit either my shoulder or my back and that was the end of that.  I spent many nights on the sofa.  Now, when our daughter comes home, she says that she can hear him snoring in her room, they share a wall. She has to bring ear plugs...he also sets his alarm but he doesn't hear it, SHE does and he watches TV at top volume and on and on and on.  I can't help laughing.  These exercises look interesting, I usually do angry cat and elephant writing the alphabet with its trunk which is my two arms in front of me.  Sometimes, I am able to bend over and lift a ten pound weight, keeping my legs unbent and leaning forward and grabbing the weight and then standing up straight.  It can help or be horrendous, I never know for sure.




Alright you puff-tm-draggin  and JonesCarpeDiem‌. You two are back in action, ready to take your act on the road. 

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"task them with turning the room into a circle without removing any of the corners"
that's impossible Puff

In the words of my 18 year old, "not with that attitude" 😃

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The possibility is not out of the realm...

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Oh my dear, so sorry to hear you don't have a separate bedroom, because I do, for the exact same reason; now my little Shih Tzu boy snores sometimes, but nothing compared to hubby.  Today he came home all sweet and honey, and because the kids are coming home soon, I won't make a big deal out of it.  I had the wine, the liver is screaming now, but I'll get over it; I don't usually drink, I was a longtime smoker, but not a drinker, so I am good and over with   But yeah, agree with you to have them committed to a room...I would say a couple of years??? What do you say?  They can get out for our anniversary so we can get our gifts; I promise to feed him, as long as he does not speak!

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