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Give and get support around quitting


Bump in the road...

Hi everyone.. So I fell off the wagon a week or so ago. I did 5 days and then slipped up when my 20yr old son came home with smokes. I find it very hard to resist them when they are in the house. I am going to try again this week.. Is there any way I can amend my quit day etc?

Anyone else struggling? I am dealing with grief, court cases and anxiety/depression. Hard to motivate myself sometimes but I know how good I feel once I stop. I will do this!!!

30 Replies

You've already gotten some good advice, so get started again soon.  Waiting too long makes it harder. Education and preparation are the key to success.   There's lots of support here, so reach out if out if you need help!

You can change your quit date and update your plan in My Quit Plan up in the upper right of every page.



Thanks everyone. I will start reading all articles over the next day or so. I have asked my son before & he's ok with it. Funnily enough he didn't smoke yesterday as he is sick!! Now it's me smoking... I am possibly losing my job tomorrow. Some big stresses but as we all now, smoking only makes in worse. Thanks for the support guys  xx


...and if you do lose your job, not smoking will be money NOT spent when you can't afford it, anyway!


Yes exactly... I really don't want to smoke anymore. Need to change the mind about it being helpful with stress as it's not!!


I hope you have read the easy, entertaining "Easy Way To Quit Smoking" by Allen Carr?  If not, I highly recommend you do.  He explains very clearly that ALL we thought smoking did for us is/was a lie!  The only reason you feel your stress reduced when you smoke a cigarette is because the sensors in your brain jonesing for their next fix (created by the LAST cigarette you smoked) are quieted - until almost as soon as you finish that cigarette and they start in again. 

Most of us experienced a reduction in our overall stress level when we quit - really!


Yes I have read it twice! It's a great book.. It helped me understand how it gets us hooked. I know I don't 'enjoy' it like people say... NOPE is what I need to focus on now


You CAN do this and clearly you want to.  This is a one day at a time journey and there is no way to speed it up.  Stress is part of life, nicotine FEEDS it, it does not HELP reduce it.  I really am sorry that you have so much on your plate but you are stronger than this addiction.  Sometimes, we have to get through one feeling at a time.  I really hope your son understands what an addictive substance he is using and can find a way to remove himself from situations where he feels tempted.

Welcome to EX...



Thanks Ellen. Yes I really want to do this.. I have done in for years before but always go back when I hit extreme stress... I know I can stop for good. Allen Carr's book really made me understand the addiction! I will keep coming here and talking to all you lovely people. Finding it very helpful!! It's amazing how many of my friends just tell me to keep smoking and not worry about it!! I'm 41 now & know I need to stop if I am to have a happy, healthy and long life...

My son does get it luckily & is very mature for 20. He is focusing on his fitness which is really discouraging him from smoking! I am really proud of him!! Thanks again


BEAUTIFUL.  We are here and you do not have to do this alone!  



Thanks Ellen! My is having a night out and will smoke.. I will ask him not to bring any home. Much easier in a smoke-free environment!

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