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Big tobacco Vaping bait


9 Respuestas
Member just said 5th person died from vaping and this one was in 50’s...

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And people are still out there standing behind Big T, SMH. If you smoke in your home, vaping doesnt leave that foul odor like cigarettes does. That and its cheaper are all that's positive about them


Reported 490 cases vaping lungs infections in America  and SIXTH DEATH - the lastest DEATH a 50yr old - I am thinking the government would PAY ATTENTION and I think the government needs to step up and call RECALL ON ALL VAPING PRODUCTS UNTIL FURTHER RESEARCHING IS DONE or DO something maybe it has to BE one of their teens!!!!! the vaping business persons or the government people - THEN THET MIGHT CHOSE THEIR CHILD - OVER THEIR MONEY - MAYBE just MY opinion please take what HELPS and let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank youNEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER - together


Uh, nobody has died from vaping. That's like saying someone died from "eating". If you look at the CDC data it looks like people who have died and are getting sick used contaminated, street-sold liquids containing THC, Vitamin E. Makes sense; after more than ten years and millions of people vaping we suddenly have all this sickness? Regular vaping remains at least 95% safer than smoking, and vapers should only buy regular, commercial products or make their own e-liquid. We don't ban salads everywhere because a farm in Arizona had a batch with e-coli. 

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People ignored the evidence linking cigarettes to cancer. Let's not do that with vaping

3rd Illinois vaping death reported, officials say | 

She said a total of 166 Illinois residents have experienced lung injuries from vaping, and that their ages ranged from 13 to 75 years old, with a median age of 22. The health department is currently investigating another possible 42 cases in the state.

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Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Products | Electronic Cig... 

You're pushing vaping, i hope you also take responsibility if one person that listens to you has any lung damage as a result

It's called EVALI. Call the CDC, show them your research that vaping is 95% safer and have them publish it.. I'll wait

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Sure, I'll take full responsibility, especially since I only recommend vaping as one possible way to quit smoking, and only to adult smokers who can't seem to quit any other way, and only with regular commercial vaping products without THC, Vitamin E or other contaminants that are the cause of people getting sick.  In fact I will continue to solicit donations of vaping products and hand them out for free to my clients who ask for them. 

My only apology is to my Irish grandparents, and that is for saying that England is far better in using objective science than the the USA. 

In my profession (addiction counseling) "pushing" is a rather derogatory term referring to people who profit from the misery of others. I don't make a dime from my work helping smokers.

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What about the patch? What about the gum? If you want continue to help them with their nicotine addiction how about one of them over recommending vaping that the Health Dept and CDC are warning the people to not do. When you keep recommending vaping, you're pushing it, how you take that is out of my control. A lot of tactics to try and manipulate/brainwash people, what you're doing is helping them make a lateral move

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Patches and gum are fine....I always recommend that my clients use whatever works. Unfortunately they have a very low success rate, so I am ethically bound to present all evidence-based tools in the toolbox, including harm reduction tools such as vaping. I deal mostly with hardcore drug addicts and alcoholics, 80% of whom are smokers when they enter treatment. The only thing I push is smoking cessation; the client makes his/her own decision on how to do it. The overwhelming science shows that vaping is relatively safe, so the only brainwashing here is from Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, politicians, and some public health fanatics whose income is based on smokers.  Follow the money.

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