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Give and get support around quitting

Community Manager
Community Manager has teamed up with Parents Magazine has teamed up with Parents magazine to help moms and dads quit for good. This is a great time for parents to plan their New Year’s resolution - and we can help! Check out our parents-related triggers and separation exercises and get started on a plan to re-learn your life without cigarettes.
EX Community Admin Team
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29 Replies

Today is day one of my quit and my first day on these boards. I have a one year old daughter. I have been smoking since I was 17 with my longest quit being during my pregnancy. Five days after she was born I was smoking again. I have been posting like crazy today since it is naptime and this is when I would normally have a few cigarettes in order to relax. So far the typing seems to help. I look forward to getting to know all of the other parents who are trying to quit/have quit. I felt like I was the only parent out there still smoking. Now I don't feel so alone!
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It's about time, and I wish they had done so a long time ago - thankful Parents Magazine and "EX" are together now!
Previous times I have tried to quit smoking, I found little to no "real" support ... I know why I shouldn't smoke, I needed to learn about the addiction and re-learn how to quit ... Become An EX provides informational tools and a place to share your new path with others.
My children - love as I do, can often times be one of my triggers to re-start smoking. In the past, without "EX",I found myself excusing my smoking to save my children from my outbursts of negative energies. Now, with "EX", I know to ask for my son's support, and discussing ways he could be more helpful.
Today is the start of DAY 6 of not smoking. Because of the knowledgeable information and the support from members of "EX" groups I am feeling very confident in my success and remaining a life-long ex-smoker!
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I am a mother of 3. Ages 5 and 3 year old twins. My daughter started school and is learning about smoking and how its bad for you. I can remember doing this to my dad. She told me about 3 weeks ago that she was gonna take my pack and stomp on it so i couldnt smoke them any more. I looked at her and said you better not. After thinking about it she was right. She is only trying to help me! I finally came to a point where i said this is my last pack and when that pack was finished i was! I am now going on day 8 of being smoke free! I have become more active with my kids. Instead of smoking I read them more books. I find things to do with them so they, my kids, can help me quit! It has worked. I thought this would be so hard for me but it hasnt been. I just started realizing that i was smoking away money i could be spending on my kids. I realized that cigarettes were becoming a part of my kids lifestyle. When we would finish eating at a resturant they knew mommy was gonna smoke a cigarette before she got in the car. I never smoked in the car with them. I have made the decision to do this for not only them but for myself. I dont want to leave them early becuase of a stupid addiction. I want to tell them i beat it!! I know that it has only been a week but I know i can do this forever!
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Well today is my day. I have not had one cigarette all day. well only been up for an hour. to me that is an accomplishment. I am just staying positive. the one thing that i have noticed is that when i crave a cigarette my heart starts racing so bad. never have noticed that before. But i just pop in a lozegin and off i go no prob. I can do this and i am keeping my head up and being strong. thank goodness for this site. couldnt do it with out help thanks for everyone that is here today to listen to me.
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I am a mother of three. Twins boy/girl turning 8 today and a 10 yo boy. This is the fourth time i have tried this year. I made it 45 days the last time and was feeling fairly confident...darn the relapse is still painful for Now that they are up to 9 bucks, well why would I pay that much to kill myself? lol

I came to find support for dealing with my quit and my kid. He is a wonderful, charming child with severe ADHD, anxiety/depression, PTSD and anger issues. He is quite the handful. I love him...but he makes it hard. He is my trigger. I feel horrible for saying that. But if I am having a "moment" instead of helping or walking away he taunts me. I get that he is only a kid, but in my weak moments that makes no difference. Ugh....wish me luck on this quit. I know I can do it,but i am still nervous. Good luck all
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Quitting Smoking is no more a hurdle Task for the Persons with high level Of will power. All It requires is the source of Inspiration and this can be in any form : from lectures, medical treatment, or else the books like Quit Smoking. Cigarettes are really injurious to health so quit that as soon as possible.
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Me and my husband set the quit date for yesterday 8/10. We have 2 girls age 12 and age 3. We have been smoking since we was in high school. So far quitting is ok I still think about it every now and then but I just try to remember the money I will be saving and my kids. Kaylee is my oldest and she cant stand that her daddy and mom smoke, she gets embrassed if she has friends over. Shelby is too young to know what we are doing. This is my 4 time trying to quit I have tried chantix twice and this time it is cold turkey. Wish me luck so far 1 whole day with no cigarrettes. Hey you have too start somewhere!
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my prays are with you, and i wish you the very best on your journey.
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My baby's father and I are committed to giving the best life possible to our daughter. I quit today for many different reasons, but my daughter's upcoming 3rd birthday is a big reason. I want to go to her party at her school without feeling the urge of the nicodemon on my shoulder making me irritated to be there wanting to go out and smoke. My daughter goes to a very upscale school-preschool and the parents that bring their children there are all well groomed and mostly upper middle class. I am a former smoker who used to light up within moments of waking up. I want to be or at least look a little more like the other parents who bring their kids to this school. There are so many reasons I want to quit smoking. My daughter's health is a big one, she has had several colds and maybe she wouldn't have them if I didn't smoke and expose her to second hand smoke. There have been many times when she has said Mommy don't smoke it gets in my eyes.
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Ya know what finally got to me?  Not all the times my 3 kids would ask me to quit, tell me it smelled, asked if I was going to get cancer and die, push away from me because I smelled "gross".  Well gradually they were asking and complaining about my smoking less and less.  Then they stopped asking all together and would even sit out with me while I smoked in the sunroom.  No one used to go in the sunroom because it smelled so bad.  Suddenly it dawned on my that not only were they giving up on me but they were starting to accept that is an acceptable behavior.  Half the time they wanted me, they found me smoking on the porch and they would watch me or wave for me to come in.  All this time I'm thinking "you are the lowest digusting mother - you are showing your kids it ok to be a drub addict".  But I still kept on smoking.  This summer they started to come into the sunporch to sit and talk with me while I smoke. So now they would be breathing in my second hand smoke which I had always tried so hard to keep away from them.  But they wanted to be with their mother so much that they just gave up and accepted the smoke.  That is what finally slapped me in the face.  I kept thinking I can keep this away from them, it won't affect them.  Well it did affect them - it gave them acceptance and tolerance of drug addiction.  That is when I finally woke up.  I'm just over 3 weeks.  It's been very, very hard but I am done smoking.  For me and for my family!

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