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Give and get support around quitting


Back in the saddle again and again and again.....

Howdy all,

So here I am at day 4 and I have seen day 4 many times before.  I have tried to quit so many times I have lost track.  All I know is that there are days I feel like I can take on the world and other days I feel like I know what it mean to be at the Alamo.   I am determined though to remain smoke free.

My wife and I are trying the medical route this time.  Much more costly but I can say I honestly feel like the meds give me fighting chance.  I don't have the physical cravings as much as the mental ones.   We have been doing replacement therapy.  Where I normally keep my smokes I keep a pack of sugar free gum or sunflower seeds.  Like the song says it ain't nothin like the real thing, but I don't feel guilty after using them. 

What is everyone else using?  How is everyone holding up?  And does anyone know a good secluded place to scream my head off?  Lol.... just kidding on the last one.  I wish everyone the best and that we all make it a point to love ourselves as much as we try to love others.



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