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Aug 4 Quit Date - Day 5 Smoke Free

I can't believe I am doing it! I had my house cleaned today and opened all the windows to air it out and get rid of the smoke smell. That is one of the biggest perks for me, everything will smell better, including me! I stopped wearing perfume because I thought it made the smoke smell even more noticeable. Now I can go out and try and buy any fragrance and smell good! The cravings are a little less today. I still rely heavily on my inhaler and don't plan to give that up for quite a while yet. I need to be on guard and keep up the good work! It is good to know there are others out there going through the same thing! Stay strong with me.....
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3 Replies

WTG, I also threw in the pack on Aug 4th, can't believe I have not slipped.... One day at a time baby.....
0 Kudos

thank you, today was a rough day, lots of stress, it was hard to stay smoke free today. Hope tomorrow is easier.
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Hang in there, it gets easier each day!
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