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April Quitters

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I just turned 37 years old yesterday and decided that today April 14th is a new day for me. I smoked one cigarette this morning then slapped a  patch on. I have promised to my son that I would not smoke on his birthday which is tomorrow, so he is really happy that I Am really serious about finally kicking this habit. My husband, who is currently deployed overseas kicked the habit while deployed and has not smoked for 6 months. He is coming home on leave next month so it is really important that I am smoke free when he comes home. If he can do it in a combat zone well what the heck is my excuse???

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My quit date was April 12th, 2009.  One year without cigarettes.  Very difficult and worth every fresh breath of air that I take.  My best to all of you - stay strong. 

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Hi, I just joined today and today is my quit date.  I was diagnosed with early stage COPD after three months of lung related illness, so I have no choice but to quit.  I know that it will be difficult, but with the new medicines I am taking and a whole day of not smoking I already feel better.  It's truly amazing.  I plan to hold on to the memory of breathing easier and freer without cigarettes whenever I have a craving.  I wish everyone the best of luck! 

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Good for you Helene!! Congratulations on your first day!! The first few days really are the hardest, but just remember, you will never regret NOT smoking a cigarette. And it will get easier!

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I quit April 12th, and have not cheated one bit. I am having a particularly rough day today. The little voices telling me just one would be okay, are there and are persistant. This truly sucks. I keep telling myself if I can make it through the next five minutes, etc. it will go away.

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Hello Everyone! I have unsucessfully tried to stop smoking many times during the almost 30 years of smoking. I decided to stop smoking as a gift to myself on my 45 birthday. I educated myself by reading all of the stop smoking info I could get then dove right in. I stopped smoking on 3 April and have not smoked since. It has been more than difficult but I know what to expect this time. I know what my mind will try to convince me of so I will give in and smoke. I have learned how to understand my mind as an addict (this sucked) and how convincing it can be. I have had to learn to do everything without smoking and am in the middle of doing it now. The worse for me, like a lot of us, is stress. I have learned to welcome the urges to smoke and realize that I must ride them out to get past them. I have a hard time relaxing when stressed but have had to understand that I make it worse in my mind than it has to be. I have to tell myself that smoking will not make a difference and that I still have to deal with it..with or without smoking. 15 days in and doing good. Hanging tough and winning my battle with the nicodemon!

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Hi, I started today without a cig.  working so far.  GOOD LUCK to bothof us.

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Im stopping 4-15-2010 and taking charge of my life.We all can do this1!!!!!!!! cig make me sick. ive smoked for 30 years im so lucky i have a chance to stop.sick.ive

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Hello all ! Just a run through to celebrate one year. It can be done,hang in there !

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Hi everyone.  I thought I would participate here as well.  I've been active here for about 2 months, my quit date is April 19th of this year.  Today is day 5 for me and I am feeling great!  I'm so glad I finally set a quit date and stuck with it.  One day a time, one hour at a time, one breath at a time.  I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus of those in April who made one very simple choice:  That we no longer smoke anymore.

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