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Give and get support around quitting


April 4th was my quit date.

Hi everyone! I have been smoke free for 2 days now, I thought I would try this group thing to see if it helped me at all. I have tried quitting dozens of times before the longest I have made it is 4 months. Hopefully this time will be the last.
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4 Replies

Congrats on your 2 days Becka. I have quit a bunch of times too...just remember what you learned from the other times and use them. sometimes it takes us awhile to figure out what works. You can do it...have a great day.
Mrs. B
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Hi! Just checking in to see how things are going for you. My quit date was the 5th. Are you doing this cold-turkey or with a little help? I too have tried many times. 6 months was the longest I lasted as a non-smoker. Currently, I am using the patch to get me through the physical part of it. It really does take the edge off for me. I have used it in the past with success. I have also tried Chantix which was great at first, but I started having wild dreams and thoughts. Ultimately, it was not worth it for me. Ironically, the longest non-smoking time (6 months) I did cold-turkey. I plan to do the patch for 4-6 weeks to get me over the emotional hump and then stop the patch. At any rate, I hope you are doing well. You probably remember from your past quits that the first three days are tough. Get through those days and you are on your way!
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Today is my first day April 6th, just wondering how you are doing two day ahead of me. I did quit before for almost 3 years, used the patches like I am doing now.

Hang in there, we all can do this.
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I am using nicotine gum this time, last time i used the patch for a few weeks, but it gave me very strange dreams even if I took it off before bed. I also had a pretty bad reaction to them on my skin. The gum is working pretty well for me this time. Although every time a chew a piece I get the hiccups. I thought that was very bizarre. How are things going for you?
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