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Give and get support around quitting


Anything & everything worth having takes time

Once I made it through the roller coaster of withdrawals and moodswings and lack of sleep and got to that good place in my quit where I  realized just how much better life really is without the crutch of cigarettes I'll tell you that was the greatest AHA Moment that I'll never forget because Life really is soooooooo much better as An Exer and of course life keeps happening good or bad BUT I also know that I can and will deal with life on life's terms and so can everyone BUT you must believe it and stick with your quit because once you get there you'll be loving that wonderful AHA moment too and you'll never ever want to ever go back to Day ONE again BUT Each and every Day WON is super fantastic because Life is Grand without a Cigarette in Hand .....


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Thanks Marilyn for sharing your AHA moment. I'm on day 4 and I'm struggling.  

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Deep breaths RachelN we're all here to help you in any way we can please believe in yourself and be willing determined and totally committed to succeed and you can and will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time, keep your mind as well as your hands occupied which helps alot, do whatever you have to to get through the rough patches and relearn life without the crutch of cigarettes ,it's definetly not easy by any stretch of the imagination but boy oh boy it's so worth it is Doable difficult to say the least but it's also very Doable Congratulations on being on Day four ,tonight you you can look yourself in the mirror and smile and say yay for another Day WON ....


Being patient pays off for sure! Hi there Marilyn!