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Anyone try Wellbutrin

Hello I'm new to the community.  I have just started taking Wellbutrin along with this program to help quit smoking.  Anyone have any advice/tips?


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I personally did  not , but I do know others here  have . I'm sure they will be able to share their experiences . I would like to welcome you to Ex . 


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@Escan Welcome to the Ex.  For my final quit after smoking for 50 years I used Welbutrin, nicotrol inhalers, cessation class and found the Ex a week before my quit.

The Welbutrin definitely helped.   Just remember, no matter what aid you choose, you still have to do the work.  I never prepared in the past and went into my quits blindly.   I learned on the Ex about nicotine addiction, having a quit plan and creating new associations instead of smoking.  

Since you take Welbutrin prior to quitting, this is a great time to  educate yourself about quitting.  Having that knowledge is a powerful tool to be successful.

We're here to support you on this journey that begins one day at a time.  Reach out anytime you need support or want to share your experience.




Welcome to EX. you have come to the right place for support. I used Wellbutrin for only 90 days to help me adjust to quitting smoking.  Everyone's quit, body and effects to drugs is different therefore it is best to follow the advice of the physician and pharmacist.  One good thing is it is not an addictive drug.  It did cause me to have some sleeplessness so I took the drug earlier in the day. It is also used as an antidepressant so you may get a slight pick me up with it. 

Education is the key to a successful quit.  iI you haven’t started reading the suggested material you are missing an .important step of the journey.  Here we dispel the myths and brainwashing we have learned about smoking.  You will gain tools and skills to unlearn some of the behavior smoking has created.  You will have to be accepting that you do not have to smoke, no matter what.

The Elders and members are here to support you.  There are daily pledges groups, affirmation groups you can join to help strengthen your quit.  The action is in the blogs, front and center so introduce yourself and let us get to know you.  If you have a question, please feel free to ask.  Someone will help.  If you are have a serious problem with your quit type help in the blog and let us know how we can help. I suggest that you stay as close as possible until your quit grows.  Be mindful of what is going on with your quit. Know HALT Hungry Angry Lonely Tired can be confused with triggers.  Don’t give up.  We are here to support you.  Wishing you much success Foundation For A Successful Quit 


Thank you all for the information.  It's nice to see an active community here.  I have started reading the suggested material, but will need to finish up after work.  Looking forward to engaging with the community as my journey unfolds.