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Anyone else smoke to escape?

I realize today (12th day of my quit) how much I used smoking as an escape ... I didn't smoke in my house, only in the garage and I realize now that a lot of times I went out there just to get away - away from bickering children or, more often, a husband who I just KNOW is TRYING to get under my skin! Its not an actual crave - I don't feel like I want to smoke ... but I don't know where to go now, know what I mean? I found myself pacing the living room like a caged tiger today more than once! I tried going out for a walk but Im in Florida and it was dang hot out there today! lol Which made me wonder how I could sit out in the burning hot garage and smoke before?!! lol The bathroom is starting to look good as my new hideaway! lol
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8 Replies

I know just what you mean. I've just finished my first week. My smoke place was my back porch. I never smoked in front of my kids so I was always sneaking out there. I do think sometimes I just needed to get away. Same thing at work I had to go outside. Now it's hard I don't want to go to my old smoking spots it's too tempting. I guess I will have to come up with new places to chill that don't remind me of smoking. Maybe the front porch,we have a swing. KEEP THE QUIT!!!

I think we all do, or did, at times. It's a relaxation time. Escape is one of the draws to it. I say we have to find other escapes. There is nothing wrong with having an escape, the only problem is what kind of escape we choose.

I am certainly in that boat, with 3 children, and my husband calling me all the time, or being the 4th child in the house, escape, oh yes. The time by myself, or in a somewhat quieter area, so I don't hear everyone else, etc. I am going to have to find some new way to do that, because it won't do anyone any good if I can't find a few minutes to myself here and there.

I have 3 kids and I realized the same as you did. I would get so fed up with my boys bickering that I would grab my smokes and head outside. I am on day 4 of my quit and I think I'm doing pretty good. We live in Nebraska so its easier to just head outside and walk. Although, Its fall here so the weather is starting to change!! LOL
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I know exactly what you mean! That's one of the GOOD things about cigarettes - they are a drug that soothes your nerves. We have to find something else to replace that feeling that won't kill us. Isn't it amazing how much free time you have when you don't hang out in the garage? I know I do. Maybe we need to make a list of "things to do" during those times? My husband still smokes and even though he doesn't do it around me, he stays in our basement/den all night so he can go out and smoke and I am left upstairs with our 3 kids every night. Nice, huh? He does it so I won't be tempted to smoke but all it does is piss me off.
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Hi. I do have maybe a suggestion that could help when you need that "release". I would play a few songs on my mp3 player in another room. Just as long as it took to smoke the cig. a lil 5 min break. Or listen to a comedian something to get your mind off the smoking as well as the stressors that make u wanna smoke.

Here is what helps me.  Garage is my escape too.  Get away from everything. I watch my grandkids 5 days a week including 2 year old twin boys.  I still go to garage but sit down and pop a life saver in my mouth.  The fruit flavors are strong enough where I can say.. AHHH and feel the rush of going to my brain like a cigerett and setting off the good warm fuzzies.  Also twizzler red liqerish. Is a good one.  I can't walk because of watching the twins


Oh yeah, I have used cigarettes for years as an escape.  Especially when I'm angry.  I used to smoke outside on the deck.  I won't have to worry about that anymore because it's winter here already.  I will go to my bedroom instead or go for a little drive maybe or a walk on nicer days.  I liked the idea of popping a life saver into my mouth and sitting outside.