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Give and get support around quitting


Anyone else keeping their quit kind of a secret?

Obviously you can't keep it secret for long, and not at all to people you interact with daily.  But I'd rather not broadcast it to everyone I know.  Or even bring it up to anyone.  If someone asks, I'll let them know I've quit and ask them not to make a big deal about it.

This is the 6th time I've quit.  Four of the times I told everyone, and was smoking again within weeks or days.  The time I quit for 11 months, I didn't tell a soul.  I'm not saying I started again those other times because I told people.  But I find the less I'm reminded of what I'm doing, the easier it is for me.  Just now, a well-meaning co-worker asked me when I returned from lunch how I was holding up.  Of course, she had to go on about how hard it was for her that first year, especially after having a meal, etc., etc.  Gee thanks, I was actually doing OK until you brought this up.  That interaction was bad enough.  I really don't want my social media feeds and text messages reminding me all day long, no matter how well meaning.

Research supposedly says telling everyone is the best way.  Not sure I agree.  What are your experiences?

41 Replies

I did not tell everyone.  Only those that were close to me.  I wasn't afraid or embarrassed to tell them.  I told those who I felt needed to know.  Now I am  an ex-smoker is what really matters. 


I didn't tell anyone I quit in the beginning of my quit.  Most of my family was critical about smoking including my husband. They didn't understand the addiction.  I thought I should just put them down and forget them. I wished it was that simple. I just let them notice I wasn't smoking anymore. I had great support here and now I am over 400 days of freedom. You have to be the one to choose and do what is comfortable for you. You CAN do this.


I did not tell anyone and I really had fun seeing that no one noticed! It kind of gave me something to "do" at the beginning of my quit! Everyone is different (as you can see above----Ellen told everyone) whatever works for you is what is normal. I just really enjoyed no one noticing. Of course my husband figured it out kids second. But as for people outside my own took my sister until December to notice (I quit November 15th) AND----no one at work knew until I told them right after Christmas vacation. Not sure why I so enjoyed everyone not noticing.....but I did!


It is kind of fun.  My wife didn't notice for a week.  My best friend (who I have coffee with almost daily) still hasn't noticed.


This is will be my first quit and I am telling everyone. I agree with the others; your quit, you chose who to tell. Broadcasting it feels right to me.

You can do this!


(T - 11 days)


I did the same. Mainly because I never broadcast that I smoked, so I kind of wondered, why tell everyone I quit?


I feel the same way you do.  I didn't share my quit with anyone other then those who are around me ALL the time.  This time I felt this quit was about me only, not anyone else. 


i just seperated myself from everyone was smokers. and its different for everyone.  i couldnt be around smokers for months but it will be 6 years september 24.  it gets easier as time goes by,celebrate every month until its been a year and jusy celebrate the years as they go by, hugs you can do this honey we are all here to help you!


I chose to keep it to myself until I had been quite about 5 weeks.  It is interesting to notice those who don't notice - kinda fun really.  The last time I tried, and told everyone, I found it so annoying that well-meaning people felt compelled to ask how you're doing, so much better for you, etc and I really didn't want that again.  So as time has passed, I've let people know and asked them to keep the information to themselves.  I am pleasantly surprised how well they've have done just that - especially at work.  I did tell my boss pretty much right away as I trust her not to patronize and I consider her a confidante. Now I'm far enough along none of it matters.


Treat your quit like it's your decision. Something very matter of FACT (like choosing what's for dinner, or buying a new shirt, or when to mow the yard, or change the oil in the vehicle). What you choose to do is about you, your choice. Telling anyone or not is also a choice, but getting pat on the back or an eye brow raised shouldn't have any bearing on your decision or your choice. No one else walks in your shoes. You get to enjoy your victory. Taking that deep breath of victory only you get to enjoy.

Support is good --, but if you have little or none - you can still quit and enjoy the victory. Nice to have friends or family there to encourage, but you are the one running the race... so just do the details that you can do - the way they bring success for you.

Congratulations on your decision to quit! The best decision you can make for your health, happiness, peace, finances. Who knew when we lit up so long ago that we would be trying to quit. But You Can Do This.