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Anyone Have Insomnia?

I have the worst Insomnia like as soon as my eyes open I can't go back to sleep at all and it takes me forever too fall asleep  at night I'm tired an dragging butt all during the day it's been like this since I stopped smoking. Anyone else have insomnia?

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19 Replies

Benedryl is not good for you unless your sick I don't take no meds and to be frank with you all I had a prob with benedryl I actually had insomnia before when I had depression an I couldn't sleep an I would literally smash the pill to powder and put it all in my mouth with water mixed an swallow it like that I don't like that stuff anymore an I've been sleeping okay now alot better then before I just woke up to be honest and it's 1:35 lol in the evening central time here  and I don't sleep at all during the day I have my child he's 9 I got to cook clean etc. I am a stay home mom I stay busy all the time never have time to sleep at all so day time naps out the questionnaire lol and and melatonin did not help me even at high doses I'm dealing with it now and my sleeping is slowly getting back to normal finally. Thank y'all all for the suggestions  I use to be a addict to sleep aides I was on serotonin prescription for depression an bipolar manic type 1 and I am medicine free of it all that was in 2012 y'all so no meds for me!!! Any type! 


Sorry Seroquel 1000mg not serotonin!!! 

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Fee33‌ Good for you.  You are DOING this!

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Good for you!!! Keep up the good work. You GOT  this!

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Hello there!

I had wicked insomnia when I quit for quite a while and then it evaporated and returns from time to time as with many in my (ahem) 'age group'...

Your body is going through the mill right now as every bit of your metabolism readjusts to no poison...It takes time to get naturally balanced again! 

You are DOING this! Good for you!! xo

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When my mind is cluttered I write everything down that is keeping me awake so I can allow myself to sleep and pick up in the morning. Just a little trick.


Yep, about three weeks in, my sleep started to get better.  Avoid coffee late afternoon, evening or anything with caffeine in it. Sometimes going to bed later helps me. Focus on "boring" things when you are awake.

I just quit yesterday and, yes, I have trouble sleeping. Now that I'm not smoking I go to bed earlier(last night I got into bed at 9pm). Still a no smoker today!


I also experienced insomnia early in my quit as well.  It does get better but in the mean time avoid all stimulants at least a few hours before bed time and try yoga.  It really helped me.

The journey continues

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About a month of it for me too.

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