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Any Tips?

I need to quit smoking by the end of October. I need to do it by cutting back till I don't smoke any. Any thoughts or suggestions on how to make this a little less painful?
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12 Replies

Kayla, have you gone through the EX Plan? It is the basic way to cut back and make it as painless as possible. The one thing I think you are looking for is something to make it happen, a promise or guarantee. Well there isn't one, there isn't anything to make it easy. It is an addiction. It is a fight and will that pulls one through it all.

Check out, look at pictures of cancer, read all your hot little hands can grab on the dangers of smoking. Remind yourself this is your life you are saving.
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I don't think there is an easy way. I wasn't really able to cut back this time. However before I have started with small things like, no more smoking in the car. Work on it for a couple of days. Or make your self wait 10 minutes more when you want a smoke. Just make sure to keep a quit day in your mind, YOU can do this. Ps. I really like Chantix. If you can I would give it a shot. Billie
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Thanks for the tips Tempest. I do know what cancer does...I watched my mom die from it close up. Logic is not going to work when you have an addiction. Thanks for your help.
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Hi Billie, I wish I could take the Chantix, but I ended up in the hospital when I took it. I have a strange body chemistry. Thank you for your helpful suggestions. How are you doing on the not smoking? Hang in there.
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I just did it. I just quit. I was over anticipating the date that I jumped ahead and quit a week earlier I think I'm up to 48 hours with no smoking...the hard part is that I haven't slept much so I'm a little grumpy. I made the decision to use the library computer instead of home. I'm sucking on a nasty commit lozenge right now...I hope you quit. It's not easy but already I feel a little more energetic and I don't smell bad! I am not adjusting well to the foggy brain though. Hopefully a good nights sleep will make it better. Good luck with your decision. Only you can decide to quit, Only you can decide to smoke. It all comes down to what you that you decide to be.
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I have also tried to quit by cutting back. It did not work for me. Quitting is not painful just difficult. The best helpful tips that I can give you is pick a date, Monday works best if you are a weekend drinker. Have your car cleaned inside and out and try your best to get rid of the smell and do the same with your house. I don't know your choice of assistance other than this website, ie... Nicorette Gum, patch, etc. , but you might want to research what might work best for you. I have tried the patch which made me sick to my stomach, Chantix gave me flu like symptoms, but the gum seemed to work the best. I was able to control how much I needed and when the nicotine ran out I just contunued to chew the gum as regular gum just to keep my mouth busy. You might want to try cutting out the cigarettes at night after dinner and then use the gum the rest of the night into the morning. I have slept with the gum in my mouth just to avoid the craving in the morning. JUST REMEMBER SMOKING WITHIN A CERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME WHEN USING ANY QUIT SMOKING AID IS DANGEROUS. I would also avoid soda, liquor and spicy foods. I feel that spicy food make me crave the cigarettes more. Rinse your mouth out with very warm water to remove the taste of the foods, I promise it really helps. I did keep my quit smoking date to myself so that I didn't feel any pressure from family and friends. I sincerely wish you the best of luck. Walk, watch what you eat, exercise, paint your nails as often as possible, (it's hard to smoke when painting your nails). LOL
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Thank you for your helpful words Mona.
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Logic is not going to work when you have an addiction.

Logic is one of the few good ways to beat an addiction. Knowledge and education about the nature of the addiction is your best weapon.

For example, you can't "cut back" to beat an addiction. There is only one way to really beat an addiction: stop adiministering the drug. Have you ever heard of an alcoholic or a heroin addict successfully "cutting back"?

The way to make quiting less painful is to dive in and get through the nicotine withdrawal as quickly as you can. If you can cut back from say 30 cigs to 15 in the days leading up to your quit, great. But, you will experience just as much suffering trying to cut back to 3 or 2 or 1 as you would to just quit. So, why prolong the agony?

Here's an mp3 on gradual withdrawal from Joel's Library.

Gradual Withdrawal mp3
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I appreciate the suggestions, I am actually only smoking 15 per day right now. I cut back from 30 6 months ago. I do know of some people who quit just by gradually cutting back, but I may not be one of those Thanks again.
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