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Anxiety Meltdown

Ok, I got all calmed down about No Mans Land and now I read in another thread it is a bad time and many fail it.  Is it a matter more than feeling cocky but that the craves WILL be worse?  I absolutely do not want to repeat the withdrawal I have experienced.  Knowing me I’d just throw in the towel and say screw it.  My quit has the added thrill of 3 ER visits and trying to kick bronchitis and sinus infections.  The docs have me on antibiotics, but now don’t think I need them but don’t want resistance to develop so I’m living with bad side effects.  I expected a challenge but egads!  How much can a person take?  This has my anxiety going thru the roof!

53 Replies

im off all antibiotics for now.  Keeping my fingers crossed it’s the right decision since all the docs think this is viral.


Since I spent my 4th time in the ER Saturday and no change since Thursday, I’m totally frustrated.  Now I they want me back on the antibiotics and about 100% oxygen dependent.  Got out to stock up on dog supplies and took a shower (Having night sweats now) and I’m done in.  Still no desire to light a cigarette. Just would like a normal nightmare quit.

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Jen , are you taking off your patches at night?   They can and do cause weird dreams.

Many Blessings

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No matter where you are in your journey the most important fact is what you believe.  If you believe you will fail you will.  If you believe you can make it no matter what you will.  Start believing that you can.  Everyone quit is different.  Just recognize this is a period of your quit that you have to learn to protect it and not be fooled by your addictive brain telling you that you can't.  It is whatever you think it will be it will be.  Think Yes I can.  Yes, I will No matter what! NOPE.  Reinforce what you have already learned.  " i just don't do that anymore.  Keep talking to yourself you are no longer chained NEF never ever forget Day WON not go back to day ONE3 Deep Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress & Anxiety 


Thinking about you today and lifting you up in prayers


     Just before I quit, when I was searching around for motivation, I found a video on youtube that talked about smokers who smoke when they wake up during the night. The lecturer went on to say that this kind of smoker would have a harder time quitting because they are soooooo seriously addicted. At about that time, I ended my viewing with a shut up you idiot.  I only had the emotional space to matter how dim my hope was. Worked out just fine.  

     You are not predestined to fail. Especially, considering how much work you have put into your quit. Keep it coming.


Do not dwell on the pain in the past, nor obsess about the pain in the future which may or may not come.  The pain and struggles in the present are more than enough for anyone to handle.


I found you a guided medication video for anxiety I hope you listen to it and try it out it can help. Turn down the lights and get in a place that is peaceful and listen to this video and relax.   Just remember this will get better in time so if you need to take your quit an hour at a time or one minute at a time do it and keep making a strong commitment to stay on track. Keep telling yourself you can do this and say it out loud to yourself. Make a commitment to stay smoke free for an hour no matter what and then do another hour and so on then for 24 hours no matter what happens in your life. We all have bad moments but they pass. A nice hot bath can be very relaxing with a cold beverage beside you try it.   

Guided Meditation For Anxiety & Stress, Beginning Meditation, Guided Imagery Visualization


This is also relaxing and can help to calm down.

Relaxing Music with Nature Sounds - Waterfall HD


You can do this. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.



Just found this, Thanks!


Bonnie  Your welcome I’m glad you liked it.