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Give and get support around quitting


Already slipped up.....

So I did great through days one and two.... and then I decided to have "just one".... it didn't even taste that good but now I'm back to the discouraged mode. My fiance smokes (although we don't smoke in the house) so that is making this really difficult. Any advice?
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7 Replies

Ugh! I understand what your going through, and I think most of us have all slipped throughout our many attempts of quitting. It is going to be even harder for you having a loved one living with you that smokes. BUT...don't let anyone say it can't be done, because YOU can do it!
I think if you continue to be discoraged with yourself because of that one lousy smoke, then you will make it harder on yourself to stay a non-smoker. Just forget that stupid ciggarette, and keep telling yourself how crappy it tased. So what if you slipped, get back on, and don't look back girl!!
A tip that I have been doing when my boyfriend wants to light up...I go for a walk. Sounds simple enough, and it is. I actually feel better getting out of the regular routines at home, because that is always when I would smoke. I feel better, and hopefully won't gain as much wieght from quitting.
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Do not give up. Most people will slip up form time to time. It does not mean that you have not quit, but just slipped up. Keep on going on the right track to continue to quit smoking. Good Luck
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Please don't be discouraged. I have tried to quit too many times. I keep on trying, I am not giving up and now I found this website which I didn't ever know it was out there for support. Go into different groups and you will get a lot of help also by reading what other people are doing and maybe something in here will work for you.

I also signed up to speak with a counselor over the phone once a week and if you need to speak with them more often all you have to do is call. The number is 1-800-Quit-Now this is also a free service.

We all slip thats how we we climb over the obstacels. Did you go into the web page and also track your cigs and triggers? That is helping me quite a bit also.

Keep on trying you will get there!
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My quit date is next friday. Im in the same boat, i live with my older brother who smokes about a pack a day. I bartend as well ... which makes me so nervous, its not the best environment to be in, people drinking and smoking 24/7. Thats why im really thankfull for this websight. Im new here but its the only support i have. I think the hardest part is im telling everyone and the only response i get is sarcastic and demeaning. So im in your shoes, not really sure how to handle it, and its going to be so much harder for us- who live with smokers. The only thing i've found that helps me while im cutting down is eating blueberries. Not sure why but i guess the oral fixation just takes away that craving for me a bit. We can be smoke free!
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Well definitely keep your chin up, this is the hardest thing you'll probably ever have to do. Have you talked to your fiance about quitting, and how does he feel about it? It's definitely difficult when only one of you is quitting. I don't know how my friends husband did it, he went from 3 packs a day to zero, and she still smokes in the house! So anyway, definitely don't be too hard on yourself, it will get easier. Eat some seeds like sunflower or pumpkin, or nuts with a shell or something which take work to eat and distracts both mouth and hands. And there's lots of shoulders here to lean on, so pick any one! 🙂
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my quit date is today sept 6th. I have already cut back, but I really wanted to quit today but i bought another pack. After this one tho thats it. My husband is going to quit on monday so that will help. So keep trying u will do it
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I quit on September 2nd. I was a 25 year smoker. I have tired numerous times to quit. I had always cheated on the first 3 days, and figured I couldn't do it. I have now made it through for me what is the roughtest time. You can do it, and if you need support I am here.

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