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Give and get support around quitting


Advice Please

Hi Everyone,
First of all I would like to say Thank You, I am very grateful for this website and for the offered support. I have been a smoker for 26 years and I am currently fearing some health issues. I would appreciate some advice on methods that got everyone through the challenge of letting go for good. Is it better to go cold turkey? Thanks
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7 Replies

Thanks Bill,

I appreciate the advice! I believe the first day will be the most difficult. I think the gum will work as well. Do you recall your most difficult time - and if you do... how did you get through it?
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I firmly believe in cold turkey, education+ determination = success
check the site for education, then make a commitment and become determined and succeed in NTAP NOPE
RJ Free At Last 434 days after 32+yrs in chains, saving 60 days of life, $3980.99 and choosing daily not to inhale death 17,379 times.
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Each person's quit is as individual as they are. It depends on what works for you. Read the stories of others who have quit and then decide which one to try. I did the lozenges. I didn't set a quit date because I was too afraid of the anxiety build-up. I grabbed my son and went camping on the Oregon coast, away from civilization and a nearby store. There were many times I didn't think I could make it through another day. Then I decided to keep the tough part as a memory so if I ever thought of smoking again, I would remember how much I hated the quit. It worked for me. I haven't smoked since July 17,2004.
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Hi Brenda,
I believe this web site will work as a crutch as well. I wish you continued success. I am currently on my 7th hour nicotine free. I plan on taking hour by hour.
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Hi RJ,
I went to this site today, thank you so much! I believe cold turkey is the best for me too. Congrats on your success. Do you recall how you got through your first 72 hrs? I am on my 7th hour, so far, not to bad. I bought some cranberry juice as well.
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That's cool Edith,
I know once I quit, I'll never want to go through it again. Congrats to you:)
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lots of whyquit reading, sheer determination, too much coffee, advil for the headachs, cold water and coffee straws to chew, brush teeth immediately after meals, not allowing blood sugar to drop too much ( frequent light healthy snacks and meals) lots of cran and orange and grape juice the first few weeks
and the 100% belief the withdrawl would end, and peace would come.
best of luck
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