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A useful meditation..

I was reading a book by a Buddhist philosopher which mentioned a very helpful self-love meditation that allowed me to start thinking serious about quitting...I leave it on my dashboard in my car so as I'm driving it is a safe reminder of what is more important to me:

"May I be peaceful, happy, and light in body and in spirit
May I be safe and free of injury. May I be free of fear, anxiety, anger and afflictions".

It is a simple meditation, and can be modified to mean anything to you. When I think about being safe and free of injury, I mainly include it to contain self-inflicted injury, such as smoking. Like I said, it can be modified to provide very personal and deep meaning to each individual. It keeps me peaceful on my long drives to school and to work, and is a constant reminder that I am my own worst enemy, and smoking is only hurting me more than it is giving me any benefits.
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7 Replies

Your absolutely rite you need to be your own best friend not your own worst enemy !!!
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super job Vanessa finding something that works for you....

I use thanks and praise and find that is the easiest way to help with all problems I have

many people make this much harder than it needs to be.... its all about attitude to me and not making excuses to ever take a single puff ever again..... i have accepted I am an addict and if I ever took another puff I would be back to a 2+ pack a day habit and closer to dying of some type of cancer which I remind myself if I ever feel weak.

wishing u continued success !
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thats deep, yet so simple, hopefully it can help me quit, ive just competed my 3rd day, and is everything is going aight, good luck with everything
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My personal mantra is this:
"Nais gadol haya po."
It means, "A great miracle is happening here." 🙂

Your's is lovely too!
Thanks for sharing!

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so how are you doing Vanessa ?

Hope you have a Great 4th !
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so how are you doing Vanessa ?

Hope you have a Great 4th !
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I am preparing a big funeral to my habit for my quitting date which is 3/30/10.  I am developing as many visual, sensual references as I can so that I will FEEL the grieving process throughout my system.  The following day I'll have a big wedding for the smoke free me using the same techniques.  Each meditation will take an hour undisturbed by as much outside stimulus as I can manage. In the meantime although I'm allowing myself an occasional  puff, I am mentally planning all these events elaborately.  Don't know if it will work but it's worth a try and I have to believe it will.  Will let you all know!

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