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Give and get support around quitting


A New Beginning For Me and My Family

I have been smoking now for a little over 12 years. I am 26 years old, and I wake up every morning with a sore throat. I am also going through my thrid pregnancy, and I feel guilty everyday. I have never encountered such a hard task as quitting smoking, and I can not live like this anymore. I am trying this option because nothing else seems to work, and I am giving myself till the end of the month of August to quite for good. I just need those first 3 days without s cigarette and I know it will get easier.
Not only will I feel physically better but I know I will have a longer future with my family. I know in my heart if I don't stop now that my physical health is only going to get worse, and fast.
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3 Replies

Danielle is soooo right Lisa, she speaks the truth about quitting and this place!
Come here and read, read the stories of people, just like you, in the same boat.
You can learn a lot here, I did! I'm 34 days smoke free and I owe a lot of it to this
place and the people in it! In my mind, it all boils down to this: Smoking is a choice,
a decision we make. No cigarette is going to make your day better, that cup of coffee
taste better, the meal you just ate better. When I have a crave, I tell myself that, out loud, if
necessary! I get weird looks at work sometimes but oh well....I CHOOSE NOT TO SMOKE!
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Prosper in peace
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Hi Lisa I am so glad you found your way to this site not only will you find the support you need but you can have fun while doing it please feel free to drop me a line whenever
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I have been smoking since I was 16 years old, I'm 35 years old.. On September 29 I discovered that Iam pregnant, since then I quit smoking. I have stopped smoking for 9 days. I feel like I don't have that option to smoke ,anymore. I need to give my unborn child the opportunity to live a healthy life. I feel good, but not great I still of course have cravings. When I do have a craving I hang in there and tell myself that the stress I'm feeling will not get any better with a cigarette, so WHy Smoke!! I'm tired of being a slave to cigarettes!! However, I am worried that after I have my child that I will go back to smoking, because I read that there is a 70% that this is possible. Is this true? If I were you I would make a concerted effort to quit as soon as you can. I BELIEVE you can QUIT SMOKING, If I could QUIT YOU CAN TOO!!
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