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7 Weeks Stay at Home

Another Good Morning to you all. Today is my 7th week home; 7 weeks without seeing Mom, 7 weeks since my business was closed and 7 weeks that all of us had our lives turned upside down.  I'm hoping everyone is coping with this mess and continuing on the wonderful journey of NOPE.  Hard as it may be I'm surprised that I haven't heard from the Nico-Demon urging me to smoke.  If I'm not smoking now I never will again.  I passed the test.

So what's new.  Not a thing.  I rarely venture out because so many people refuse to wear a mask and ignore so many of the guidelines; especially distancing and that pisses me off to no end. Common Sense went out the window.  I go to my salon twice a week to check on things and it's sad to see an empty salon.  Our Governor began to reopen most of Florida but 3 counties, Palm Beach, Broward and Dade did not make the Phase 1 list. I'm in Palm Beach county.  I do not see my salon opening for another month and yet I continue to pay my landlord rent and pay my bills.  I had to swallow my pride and start a go-fund-me page on Facebook and some clients and friends donated.  Don't get me started on the government who have done so little for small businesses. They truly let us down.

My days are Long.  I walk the dog, watch TV and take walks or a bike ride. 7 days a week.  Like the rest of you I'm Over it all and want my life back.  I want to see Mom and I want, I want, I want...….  Other than that, it could be a lot worse and for so many it is.  Healthcare workers are exhausted and at their breaking point and my heart goes out to them.  Prayer helps. 

Love ya all

53 Replies

I am SO sorry, Ralph.  Stay safe.  I hope they don't have to close it all down again......people are SO irresponsible in this country, so darned entitled!


So, so sorry to hear this Ralph1955‌ seems so many have become "stubborn" about wearing masks. claiming it violates their rights by being told they have to do so, when it actually violates our right to remain healthy.

0 Kudos

My stylist moved to a  Sola salon last year  (lease space) and they have individual studios.  I describe them like the ER rooms with the sliding glass doors.   So there is no waiting room and each stylist has there own space.  So it probably is safer?  Under normal circumstances, I would have been the first one in line.  But since I'm retired and not going out much anyway, I don't care.  And my hair was really short and I was letting it start to grow out for my last two cuts.   This was perfect timing.


Can you do virtual re-dying my hair purple and my hair cut.  Seriously. My husband did the re-dying of the roots a while back but we did it in garage deep sink and bending completely backward while sitting on the garage stoop just about killed my back! 

But I'm so glad you are open again even at reduced capacity.


Our numbers increase like crazy daily. I understand that businesses were losing profits and having to layoff workers, small businesses were having to close, unemployment benefits slow or not available, and capacity/service greatly reduced.  We have been fortunate that my husband's employer was considered 'essential'. I get that people were stir crazy, that their life came to a screeching halt.  BUT prior to the lockdowns people said 'there isn't enough time for slowing life down' and when it happened they couldn't handle it. Like letting a kid have a lollipop and then take it away. If he screams for long enough he starts to get a lick here and there.  Hell, we still can't even get toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning/laundry supplies, long lasting food staples (canned, rice, pasta, frozen food)!  I have to order paper products and cleaning supplies from amazon.  And people still refused to wear masks and social distance. 

Now things have started to open up and numbers started to climb.  More people are ditching the masks, no social distancing and ignoring restrictions any way possible.  I won't even speak of the protester mobs complete disregard for safety. 

Let's not forget that a government offical said  "...when we have a lot of cases, I don't look at that as a bad thing, I look at that as, in a certain respect, as being a good thing because it means our testing is much better."  "So I view it as a badge of honor. Really, it's a badge of honor." Also,  "When you do testing to that extent, you're going to find more people, you're going to find more cases. So I said to my people, slow the testing down, please."

It gets scarier every day.  I don't go out much, my oldest son won't let me because of my own health lately, I always wear my mask and I always social distance.  It's not so hard and yet our cases and deaths continue to climb.  My youngest is sick but we think it's just a bad cold he caught from his friend. The friend's mom got the same thing and it only lasted 2 - 3 days and her immune system is much more compromised than me. He's self-quarantined in his bedroom but we are 4 adults living in a very small 900 sq. ft. house.  We're being very diligent with hand washing and trying to maintain household sanitization

I wish there was an answer but there's no back-sies once things start to reopen.  I just pray that people will get a clue and realize that this can hit anyone at any time without any warning.  I praise God and thank the hard work and dedication of our front line workers. I hope a treatment and vaccine are found soon.  

A trip to Las Vegas anyone? It's open and you can not only gamble with money and chips but also with your and others lives. 

Sorry for the rant.  It just boggles my mind that so many people want to look the other way even if lives depend on facing the ugly truth of this head on.  Stay home as much as possible, wear a mask and social distance are what we CAN do towards slowing the spread.


minihorses‌ That was quite a rant, we are no longer having issues with paper products. I have not left the house since March 16th but from what l hear about the resistance to wearing masks, l am better off at home. I hope your son gets better quickly & that you don’t get his “cold.”

The university where l work is planning to reopen the second week in August. They contacted me yesterday & want me to come back. Employees will be required to wear masks & they have put in barriers to reduce person to person contact. The students will NOT be required to wear masks. They come from all over the country & the world, l am not sure how wise this is. I work one day a week & l have told them that is my maximum. I plan to get my own mask to offer more protection to ME. I hope l can breathe wearing it.

If everyone practiced social distancing, wearing masks, diligent handwashing...we MIGHT beat this monster. Then again, l might be able to ride a unicorn.



I love the unicorn saying girl!  I will ride along on a wing and a prayer. 🙂


So happy to hear your job will be there for you. Ellen. Don't understand why the students don't have to wear masks, though....they will all be grouped into dorms and classrooms, for heaven's sake! Yes, do what you can to protect yourself, Ellen. Perhaps your pulmonologist can recommend a certain type of mask? 



l am going to talk with my pulmonologist next week about the mask. 
Students SHOULD wear masks but l don’t think the school thinks they can enforce it. It is entirely possible that l may not be able to go back.

Ralph1955‌ l SO hope that your business can survive this. My heart goes out to all who are suffering because of this so many ways. This is such a volatile time. Everyone who prays needs to step it up!



elvan I glad you're going to talk to your doctor.  I don't know if this sounds like a good situation for you to be in.  I'm still avoiding crowds and I don't have the health concerns you have.  

Did you finish watching I Know This Much is True?  It was really good.
