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Give and get support around quitting

605 Days and counting

605 days without a cigarette 

very difficult lately as my stress levels are high

but I cannot have one

and that is the way it is

6 Replies

pastedImage_2.gifOn 605 Days of Freedom...Enjoy ... no matter the stress, keeping the quit is the best thing...You are Choosing Life... Imagine the stress of giving up the quit and going back to Day 1...Hang tough...and sending good vibes your way ~ Colleen 185 DOF 


It might help for you to know that it takes two years of changes in seasons, holidays and dramas to get past the smoking associations with them.  We don't have as much repetition to relearn them as we go through the first year, so you may find yourself thinking more about smoking around these times.

Shake your head, say "NOPE" (Not One Puff Ever) and get your mind on something else, or take a quick walk, or call a friend (use some of the tools you found useful early in your quit).

Pay them no mind - just another milestone on your journey!  These will pass as long as you don't smoke!!!!!!!!!


WELCOME and CONGRATS ON 605 NICOTINE FREE DAYS - WAY TO GO!  ❤ SUGGESTIONS - say out loud the SERENITY PRAYER - God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change - Courage to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference - OR - try coloring or painting or crocheting or crossword or suduko puzzle books or jog in place or take 3 deep belly breathes or sit in chair and get up without using your arms 3 times - gentle hug ❤


Congrats on your beautiful quit and in knowing how to always protect it! 


Congrats on your 605 days smoke free and keeping your quit in spite of the stress.



Can not, won't, sha'nt, will not --whatever does the job!  Congratulations on 606 days!!!